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Stephanie Smith, PhD on Pet Life Radio

Stephanie Smith, PhD


Stephanie Smith, PhD

    I am a freelance writer and photographer who normally writes about dogs or gardening.  I write on just about any nonfiction topic, however.  I started writing about twenty years ago on topics of interest to dog owners.  I have had dogs since I was four, and have a Standard Poodle and an Australian Cattle Dog now.  I did Pointer rescue for a little over a decade and rehomed approximately 100 dogs.  As I moved out to my current location, on 14 acres in NorthEast Texas, I started writing more on garden topics. 

    You can see a full list of my credentials and some of my photographs at my website, http://www.stephaniesuesansmith.com.   I am always looking for freelance writing and photography assignments, so stop in and have a look.

    I am also a Master Gardener, which is a volunteer for the Extension Service who has undergone training on horticultural and agricultural topics and volunteers regularly helping people in their county with those questions.  For example, when people bring in a plant that is sick and want to know what the problem is, we look at it and help them.  I have been a Master Gardener since 2001, but have been gardening all my life.

    Being greedy, I determined I could marry my interest in dogs, gardening, photography, woodworking, and reading by having a blog that discusses all those things.  My blog is http://blog.stephaniesuesansmith.com.


Official Website

Stephanie's Blog


































































































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