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Patrick Ivison

Patrick Ivison


Patrick Ivison

    "My name is Patrick Ivison, I’m fifteen years old and I am in the tenth grade.  Several years ago, I was hit by a car and suffered a C4 incomplete spinal cord injury. I use a manual wheelchair to get around. Being in a wheelchair has taught me to focus on my abilities rather than my disability."

    Patrick Ivison is bright, articulate, and handsome with a quick wit and delightful sense of humor. Patrick was diagnosed as a quadriplegic due to an incomplete C-4/C-5 spinal cord injury that he suffered when he was hit by a car as a small child.

    Patrick and his family want him to participate in Project Walk in Carlsbad, California, an intensive physical therapy program that has had amazing results with people from all over the world. He has been evaluated by Project Walk and they absolutely believe they can help Patrick.

     The problem is this program is expensive and so far NOT covered by insurance. We are fighting that, but even if the insurance provider accepts some responsibility it will only pay a fraction of the costs. Each hour of treatment costs $100 and Patrick needs 6 hours of treatment per week for at least three years. Patrick’s family and friends are working to raise $90,000 to cover Patrick’s rehabilitation.


    Thank you so much for your support.

    Ricochet has raised over $8200 for Patrick, and is still actively fundraising for him.  She was able to raise enough money to pay for his service dog, and the rest goes toward his physical therapy at Project Walk (www.projectwalk.org).

    The plan now, is for Ricochet and Patrick to work together to help others in need… and pay it forward.



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