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..Melissa Morrison &
..Maggie Muller


Melissa Morrison & Maggie Muller

FUR FITNESS FOUNDATION: Creating a Revolution of Change

The Fur Fitness Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide educational and financial resources to help pet parents navigate the confusing world of pet health, fitness and nutrition.  The Fur Fitness Foundation also directs a special emphasis on helping pet parents and veterinarians address the growing crisis of the pet obesity epidemic with the goal of reversing and eradicating this preventable health crisis.  According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 55% of dogs and 53% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese. In real numbers, that equates to 93 million pets nationwide that are suffering needlessly.

The Fur Fitness Foundation is deeply devoted to inspiring a revolution of change in the current status of pet health and well-being.  There are a vast number of groups working to rescue, adopt, spay, neuter and train our furry friends but Fur Fitness Foundation is the pioneering group prepared to take down pet obesity by addressing health, fitness and nutrition. The Fur Fitness Foundation is dedicated to making a significant, measurable difference by turning the tide of the obesity trend and improving the lives of countless pets nationwide. We are not researching a cure…through our programs and services we are creating the cure.

FUR FITNESS: Pet Health, Fitness and Nutrition

In our many interactions with concerned pet parents who recognized their pets needed additional fitness activity, the recurring issue was lack of time.  So hand in hand with our Foundation we realized what was really needed was a service entity that could help…and Fur Fitness Corporation was the answer.  Fur Fitness is an affordable full-service pet agency taking fitness to the next level through customized exercise programs. In an effort to prevent or reverse pet obesity, Fur Fitness personal trainers help pets achieve optimal health and well-being through its unique services.  Unlike a dog walking service, Fur Fitness’ customized exercise programs incorporate interval training, running stairs, hills and other outdoor elements, swimming, outdoor hikes, treadmills, agility courses and fitness games for mental and physical stimulation.  For clients that do need to lose weight, nutrition counseling and weight management oversight services are incorporated into their customized program. Additionally, we offer special programs for pets that have been injured or are recovering from surgery which are designed to help them regain strength and mobility. To provide a “full-service” approach for our clients we also offer pet sitting services.

Founders of Fur Fitness:

Melissa Morrison: Sales and Marketing Vice President and Real Estate professional left the corporate world in 2009 to become an advocate for proper health and fitness for beloved pets everywhere.  Stemming from her deep devotion for her own pets and her love of all animals, she realized her heart belonged to them.  Through Melissa’s research and contacts throughout the pet industry she identified a major problem and thus decided to tackle the pet kingdom’s biggest foe, pet obesity and the lack of understanding and exposure this huge problem receives.  From this “a-ha” moment and a desire to give her own pets their greatest quality of life, Fur Fitness was formed.  Her sole mission is to educate pet parents and the public at large how the pet obesity epidemic is purely a man-made problem and can be overcome.  Melissa has pioneered fitness techniques and activities designed specifically for overweight animals becoming, herself, a pet fitness guru and pet fitness trainer.  She delights, in seeing firsthand, animals become happier and healthier through regular exercise.

Maggie Muller: Leaving a long career as a Director of Corporate and Real Estate Marketing, and with a background in Business Psychology, Maggie decided to follow her passion for educating herself on the perplexing world of proper nutrition and developed a personal commitment to health and fitness.  Soon a new puppy entered her life and as a first time “dog mom” Maggie quickly realized the world of pet health and nutrition was even more confusing and mystifying. Wading through masses of information on foods, supplements, health products, recommendations, myths and misconceptions, Maggie developed a strong urge to help the pet and pet parent community.  Her mission is to educate pet parents about keeping their animals disease free with proper nutrition options and exercise programs specifically designed for pets.  

Melissa and Maggie, corporate colleagues and long-time friends, combined their talents, their love of pets and their shared passions and co-founded Fur Fitness and the Fur Fitness Foundation.  They have been featured in a number of media outlets and most recently appeared on CBS The Early Show.








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