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Carolyn Clark Beedle

Carolyn Clark Beedle


Carolyn Clark Beedle

    Carolyn Clark Beedle (CCB), has had the great fortune to live a number of lives in her time on the planet.  A fifth generation San Franciscan, CCB grew up in a family Victorian with five brothers and two sisters. After studying history and literature, she segued from museum arts education through marketing management, corporate real estate/architecture, interior design and workplace process, global business consulting and non-profit leadership.

    Her five-year association with Andersen Consulting took CCB to 36 of the 48 countries where the firm had offices, and offered the incredible opportunity to work within the many cultures. She found good friends, open doors and marvelous stories across six continents.

    CCB now lives in Santa Fe, NM and works avidly as executive director for Assistance Dogs of the West, a non-profit agency teaching student trainers to help prepare service dogs to support people with physical, psychiatric and developmental disabilities. She reads voraciously, wants to continue to learn, travel and visit friends whenever the opportunity presents." 


Assistance Dogs of the West




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