Arden Moore:
The Pet Edu-Tainer
Pet expert and best-selling author
Inside the Fun, Sometimes Strange but Never Boring World of Pet Sitting
Candance Labane-Godfrey ......Felicia Lembesis ....................................
For the more than 2,300 members of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters, caring for pets is anything but routine. Tune in and learn the special challenges of coping with “guard kitties,” rocking a 60-pound lizard named Fred to sleep, managing 150 freshwater fish tanks or being charmed by a personality-plus tarantula named Sally. Special guests Candance Labane-Godfrey and Felicia Lembesis – “top dogs” at NAPPS -- share the pluses of hiring a professional pet sitter to care for your pets when you need to travel.
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