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Candance Labane-Godfrey

Candance Labane-Godfrey


Candance Labane-Godfrey

Candance Labane-Godfrey runs Precious Pets In-Home Services in Sacramento, California.  Her childhood in Montana was filled with animals and birds; her parents were sure she would become a veterinarian.  But her career path took her first to special education and, then, to the hospitality industry.

In 1995, she and her husband needed a pet sitter while they were on a business trip.  Impressed with the skills and knowledge of the person they hired, Labane-Godfrey's love of animals was rekindled.  Over the next two years, she read everything she could about the pet sitting industry.  In 1997, after going over her marketing plan with her banker, she started her own pet sitting business.

Since then, Precious Pets In-Home Services has not only provided in-home pet sitting, but also has created and maintains an extensive support library for clients - information on training, behavior issues, diseases, first aid, natural healing, holistic veterinarians. She also uses and suggests pet support equipment (heated/cooled beds, pet fountains, traveling carriers, pet safety protectors).

Labane-Godfrey is involved with rescue, fostering and the care of feral communities. Her local reputation has allowed Precious Pets In-Home Services to have exclusive vet referrals in the area her company serves.

Her pet household includes Princess (American Stafford Terrier), nine permanent family cats and four fostered felines.

National Association of Professional Pet Sitters





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