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Pet Peeves on Pet Life RadioAmy Shojai, CABC - host of Pet Peeves

Amy Shojai, CABC
Pet Authority
Award-winning author

Angel on a Leash: An Insider's Look at Therapy Dogs

David Frei   on Pet Life Radio..........

David Frei ...................................


There's no doubt that dogs bring smiles to our faces with happy wags. Some of these canine nurses could be furry angels when they become therapy dogs that visit with people in need of healing face licks and snuggles. But exactly what is a therapy dog and how are they trained? Can you and your dog become a therapy team? Learn all about the ANGEL ON A LEASH program from author David Frei's book of the same title. As the voice of Westminster David is known to millions of television viewers, but also volunteers with his own dogs in such places as the Ronald McDonald House. You won't want to miss this show--and learn about some of the touching experiences from the book.

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