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Beth Adelman

Beth Adelman


Beth Adelman

Beth Adelman is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and a publishing professional. She currently writes The Cat Lady column for the Sunday New York Post. Beth is also the former editor in chief of Cats magazine and DogWorld and former managing editor of the AKC Gazette, and has won several awards from the Dog Writers Association of America and the Cat Writers Association for her work. She has edited more than 100 books about companion animals, many of them award winners. She is currently co-editor of the journal Animal Behavior Consulting: Theory and Practice, the official journal of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She volunteers as a cat behavior consultant with Project Safety Net in New York City, a program designed to keep cats with behavior issues in their adoptive homes. Beth has been a speaker at the annual Cat Writers Association Professional Conference and a frequent radio guest on a variety of shows (often taking call-in questions from listeners). She has also done seminars for the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Pet Sitters International and the Cat Fanciers Association (speaking to attendees at the cat show in Madison Square Garden). Her book Every Cat's Survival Guide to Living With a Neurotic Owner (Main Street Books) is a multiple award winner.


International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants

The Indoor Cat Initiative



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