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Arden Moore
The Pet Edu-Tainer
Pet expert and best-selling author

The Truth About Dogs and Kids with Expert Pia Silvani

Pia Silvani

Pia Silvani

No kidding around, here, kids and dogs do make grrr-eat friends. Here to show us how to do that is Pia Silvani, one of the country’s top dog trainers and co-author of “Raising Puppies and Kids Together: A Guide for Parents.” Pia is the director of Training and Behavior at St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in Madison, NJ. Tune in to this week’s episode of “Oh Behave” as she unleashes some tips to bring out the best in kids and dogs!


ARDEN MOORE: Welcome to the “Oh Behave!!” show on Pet Life Radio. I’m your host, Arden Moore. I really appreciate all of you tuning in. Today we’re gonna be speaking with a very special friend who knows amazing things about dogs. She is Pia Silvani. She is the Director of dog training school at St.Hubert’s in New Jersey. We want to let you know that kids and dogs, that’s such a special combo so she’s gonna help us out on that. Hey, Pia, welcome!

PIA SILVANI: Hi, Arden. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
Arden Moore: Oh, I appreciate you being on, too and folks, we’ll walk into the show later on and talk about…a little about ice-cream Moore socials and what our real connection is with Pia but we’ll be back right after this message.

(commercial messages)

ARDEN MOORE: Welcome back. You’re listening to “Oh Behave!!” on Pet Life Radio. I’m your host, Arden Moore. As I mentioned earlier, today we have a great guest. She is Pia Silvani. She is the Director of dog training at the St.Hubert’s Animal Welfare Centre - that’s in Madison, New Jersey, for all you geographical buffs. I actually live in Ocean Sight, California, but I was happy to make that country-cross trek once and, earlier this year, right, Pia, we got to get together for a little ice-cream social for dogs, kids and even adults, right?

PIA SILVANI:: Yes, we did and it was quite successful too. People loved - they raved about your books, by the way.

ARDEN MOORE: Oh! Well, thank you. You have a book out there, too, young lady. It’s called “Raising Puppies and Kids Together – a Guide for Parents” that you co-wrote with Lynn Eckhart and, I guess, folks I wanna let you know a little bit about Pia. She spent many years as a…a what?…a paralegal, is that right?

PIA SILVANI: That’s correct.

ARDEN MOORE: Ok, now that’s kind of a job behind a desk, looking at a lot of papers and ‘thereas’ and ‘where-for’s’ and ‘here-to-with’, right?
Pia Silvani: Uhmm...

ARDEN MOORE: Pretty exciting, huh?

PIA SILVANI: (laughing) Yes, it was time for a change. (laughing)

ARDEN MOORE: So, something happened that unleashed the real Pia and you have now become one of the very best experts in dog training on this planet. You have given talks everywhere from Coast to Coast, to Belgium and Japan. I understand, I don’t know how you do this, but you teach up to a hundred classes a week?

PIA SILVANI: Yes, well, not personally. I…

ARDEN MOORE: Ok, good, I was wondering how many clones of Pia there were!

PIA SILVANI: I have a staff that consists of about… between 22 and 24 instructors. And…

ARDEN MOORE: Oh, good.

PIA SILVANI: … I can say that all of them are in the field and they go through a very long apprenticeship program, and the majority of them are certified trainers as well.

ARDEN MOORE: OK, that’s good. And now, are all of them are free of fleas? That’s kind of important, you know.

PIA SILVANI: You bet, you bet.

ARDEN MOORE: Ok, good, good. That’s what I wanna know. The other thing is, Pia, when we talk about, you know, the fact that you made a career change…What was it that had put that little…that really unleashed the true Pia, you know what I’m saying… you know, here you are getting a steady pay-check, working as a paralegal, which is an honourable profession for all you paralegals out there. But we are very blessed that Pia has switched gears and gone to work she really, really loves and really enjoys and knows very well, and that’s dog training. So, what happened? I mean, were you sitting at the desk one day and just ‘boom!’ or what?

PIA SILVANI: Well, not…not actually. I started that in my teens. I was a coach for special Olympics, I was a dance instructor for many, many years.

ARDEN MOORE: Are we gonna see you on Dancing With the Stars with a dog, maybe? That would be a good show!

PIA SILVANI: That would be fun!

ARDEN MOORE: Hey, listen…We just have a new TV show: “Dancing With Dogs”, starring Pia Silvani – oh, my gosh! There you go…

PIA SILVANI: (laughing) There we go…Well, my initial love was really working with people. I just…I found great joy in that and I loved working with children as well. So, I thought to myself: “Is there a way that I can combine my love of dogs with teaching people and…I decided to take the move when the job was offered to me full time, and…yes, I did take that pay-cut, but it was worth every lost penny I’ve…that I didn’t make (laughing)
ARDEN MOORE: Well, you know what they say…it’s priceless, right?

PIA SILVANI: It is…it is.

ARDEN MOORE: When you get a chance to be around people and pets and, and…I feel the same way too. When it comes to the kids and dogs, I mean, there is that very special connection then. What I’d like us to talk about today is that connection as well as to be able to offer some safety tips and then, let’s have some fun. So, can you talk a little bit about what is it with puppies and kids or dogs and, and… kids that really seems to just bring out this…this positively great harmony, you…pardon the pun ?

PIA SILVANI: That’s true, that’s true! I can’t say it’s always positive.


PIA SILVANI: In today’s society what I’m finding, and that’s what really picked my interest in writing the book… I was finding a lot of problem areas in the relationship between the dog and child. And when we think about, cause I’m showing my age now… I used to sit and watch Lassie and Jimmy…

ARDEN MOORE: No, no, no…you’re supposed to say you see it at night …. the real ones… come on!

PIA SILVANI: …where the relationship that they had it’s very different now, because when we take a look at children’s schedules, they’re busier probably than their parent’s schedules. And…

ARDEN MOORE: That’s a great point.

PIA SILVANI: And to put the pressure on, a lot of times we find that the parents are putting the pressure on the children to raise the puppy or raise the dog. And…


PIA SILVANI: …even though, I can recall when I was younger too…. I can remember going to my parents and saying: ‘Oh, my sister and I will never fight again and we’ll get the best breed and we’ll make sure that we take care of the dog’.

ARDEN MOORE: Scout’s honor!

PIA SILVANI: (laughing) That’s right. It never happens.


PIA SILVANI: It doesn’t. And, in…specially in today’s society, it’s really unrealistic, because they’ve got so many pressures between school, outside activities, friends…so, what I decided to do was try to sort of bust the myth that a child can raise a puppy and, and… take full responsibility of a dog. I think that’s unfair in today’s society. And that the parents need to understand that they need to be part of that.


PIA SILVANI: Now, does that mean that the child shouldn’t take on some responsibility? Absolutely. Without a doubt, I think it’s good learning. But it shouldn’t be a full responsibility on them.

ARDEN MOORE: I like your realistic approach, because you want…you want something that works. And, you know, parents are busy, but you brought home a great point. I ..I Arden Moore just amazed that kids – I have neighbor kids I really like and they’re up and down the street and I’m like “Hey! Lester, where’re you going?!”.“Sorry, …. I got a football practice, then I’m going to piano practice, then I’m tah-rah-dah-dah-dah “ And this litany of what he’s got to do in the next six hours, just boggles my brain. Yeah, he loves his dog. So, what it… what’s some advice…. I guess, if you could, you know…have a little chat on the air right now with parents … What are a few tips that you could offer them to let them know that “Hey! You know, we want this to work for everybody: the dog, the child and you.

PIA SILVANI: I would say, number one, let’s take a look at it from the dog’s point of view.

ARDEN MOORE: Ok?…I’m offered that.

PIA SILVANI: And…So, we have a husband, wife, or we have a couple that have 4 children. And…


PIA SILVANI: …there is nothing worse I can imagine from the dog’s point of view, having six bosses. That’d simply be a nightmare. So…


PIA SILVANI: …what I tell parents is that the adults are the ones that are in charge of setting boundaries and guidelines and rules. If there needs to be a reprimand, if the dog is into something, the parents are the one that…are going to be the ones that are going to discipline. Not children.


PIA SILVANI: So children…

ARDEN MOORE: So, if I Arden Moore a child and…and I see that my dog Chipper just took off with my dad’s favourite watch, what do I do?

PIA SILVANI: You call mum or dad.


PIA SILVANI: Immediately. And then mum and dad can take care of that. Because what happens is, and let’s go back to the family with 4 children, the watch is stolen and now you’ve got six people running and chasing after the dog, which, from, again, the dog’s point of view, he thinks it’s grand and everybody is screaming and yelling. And…

ARDEN MOORE: Yeah, the chase is on.

PIA SILVANI: … the chase is on. So, it’s just…it’s mayhem in the house, which then causes lots of conflict in the dog. And then you get a lot of attention seeking behaviors on the part of the dog, and you find it’s start to snow-ball. Where now everybody’s yelling at the dog for all those different things and everybody’s taking things out of the dog’s mouth and the dog is gonna eventually tire of that. So…I guess…

ARDEN MOORE: I would….

PIA SILVANI: Oh, absolutely! I would too.

ARDEN MOORE: I’ve had like 3 bosses at one time, but never six, so…

PIA SILVANI: Well, that’s right, that’s right. So, it’s a … of my rules is children give, they do not take away.
Arden Moore: Ok..

PIA SILVANI: So … he never feels like he has…he’s going to be threatened … like he’s got something in his mouth, the parents can take it away. They’ve got the common sense, the ability to be able to ask the dog to give, relinquish the object and not turn it into a chase game. And then children just give all good things, you know. They give the tennis ball, they play, they give the cookies, they do the training where they can give treats. So they’re a positive asset that can speed the dog, just giving the dog food.

ARDEN MOORE: Well, they do think with their belly. Chipper would love every child on this block if they came over and said: “Hey, Arden, we wondered if we could feed Chipper today?” And Chipper would think about that about a nano-second and say: “Bring it on!”

PIA SILVANI: That’s right! (laughing)

ARDEN MOORE: “I love you kids! You’re better than trick-or-treat!”

PIA SILVANI: Exactly, exactly. And I think..I think that’s an important key factor that we need to have dogs really, really dig children.

ARDEN MOORE: Good point.

PIA SILVANI: And not feel that they are threatened any way and, by that I mean…and I find this more with puppies and smaller dogs, children are comfortably hugging and picking up and carrying them around. They have four legs, they can walk, and, just like with children when I work with children, I remind them: “When you’re tired and you want to take a nap, you don’t want your brother or sister bothering you. You want to be left alone. And when they bother you, you’re gonna get really grumpy about it. And that’s what happens with dogs: that they’re continually bothered when they’re relaxing. … they’re gonna get grumpy. And…

ARDEN MOORE: I guess that’s an adage …. Yeah, I mean, let’s sleeping dogs lie. Hate to say a cliché on the radio. I spent 20 years as a newspaper reporter beating that out of my brain but, seriously,…you know dog snoozing, you know…what’s your advise for the child? How do you approach that dog?

PIA SILVANI: Exactly. I would say: “When the dog is resting, the dog is sending us signal, that he would really like to be left alone.


PIA SILVANI: Does that mean that they can never go up to the dog? No, obviously not. But, what I find is, that they do it too often because they can. There’s the opportunity. They find it’s still, the dog is still, so I can, I can …I can touch the dog. So..


PIA SILVANI: So…let them be, let them take a nap and, again, this is where the parents have to set the guidelines and boundaries for the children as well. This is the rule: if we’re gonna have this dog, you’re gonna leave the dog alone when the dog’s resting. Let him take a nap and when he’s ready to go up and play again, he’ll be ready to go up and play again,
he’ll be in a good mood then, not a bad mood.

ARDEN MOORE: Uhum…that’s a very good point. Think this is a good time that we can stop and take a commercial break. We’re speaking with Pia Silvani. She’s the Director of training and behaviour at St.Hubert’s Animal Welfare Centre in Madison, New Jersey, …I said that all on one breath. But she’s more than that. She’s also the co-author of “Raising Puppies and Kids Together – a Guide for Parents” and her resume is like a who-is-who of dog wonders. She has been a Vice-President of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and a charter member, for all those folks out there that can say A.P.D.T that’s awesome. These are people that really have to go through training to be dog trainers. She set this small company called Pet Smart …through their training curriculum. I’ve heard of that store. And she’s done …she’s also have given talks on dog training and behaviour all over the globe. So we’ll be right back with Pia Silvani after this message.

(commercial messages)

ARDEN MOORE: Welcome back. You are listening to “Oh Behave!!” on Pet Life Radio. I’m your host, Arden Moore. We’re talking about kids and dogs with somebody that really knows kids and dogs and she is Pia Silvani , the Director of training and behaviour at St.Hubert’s Animal Welfare Centre, Madison, New Jersey, Hey, Pia. You know you’ve really brought home some tough love lessons for both parents and kids and I think you, you … you exemplified that by really understanding what’s going on with the dog when they may have four or six and, quite on call, two-legged bosses in the house, right?

PIA SILVANI: That’s correct. Absolutely.

ARDEN MOORE: So, we …we’ve addressed that. Now, what are some things that we can do in a very busy household that help make sure that the dog gets fed. I mean, I really feel bad for the dog. I’ve seen commercials where all these people are running around the house and the dog is sitting there with an empty bowl and the front of the bowl is on the dog’s head like :”Puhleease, anybody, can you open up the pantry, I’m starvin’!” What’s some advise you could give to help people be better organised with some doggy must-dos and responsibilities?

PIA SILVANI: Well, children love to feed animals. If you think about when …when children go to a zoo, they’re always going to be…they’re, they’re geared towards the little pens where they can give an animal a little cookie or a cracker. So I understand, that’s an easy thing.


PIA SILVANI: What we do, we have several children in the household, we take turns.

ARDEN MOORE: OK….so you don’t have a … that’s like an imploded tip? ‘cause it’s been fed too many sweets?



PIA SILVANI: That’s not good.

ARDEN MOORE: Instead of a hairy ottoman, you know, you finally get your regular beagle back? Ok..

PIA SILVANI: Exactly, exactly. So maybe if you …if there are two children, they take turns. Every other day they get to feed, or maybe somebody feeds breakfast and then somebody gets to feed dinner. So again, there’s a positive association with the children. And that’s a simple task, too. So that they can go on a chart. What I’ve done also is I put up a positive reinforcement chart for the children ….one that we filled earlier …

ARDEN MOORE: Oh, really? Tell me about that.

PIA SILVANI: ..if they remember to do their little assignments, the dog, the little errands that they have…if they complete, say they have 10 tasks a week…if they complete the tasks at the end of the week, parents do something positive for them. For example, maybe take them to the movies, or they take them bowling, something that they enjoy to do. So, so…there’s a goal for the child to do it, as well.

ARDEN MOORE: Well, that sounds like that very important two words that we use in dog training: positive reinforcement.


ARDEN MOORE: Works on the two-leggers too, right

PIA SILVANI: Absolutely.

ARDEN MOORE: Works on me! I’m not big on getting my belly rubbed, but, you know…praise - bring it up! A little slice of, you know, carrot cake…yeah, that’d be nice. So, having this chart would be great and …and in addition to the feeding, alright, who gets to do the…the poop-patrol?

PIA SILVANI: Yeah. I must say that’s never a big hit with children.

ARDEN MOORE: I don’t kow…why not?….(laughing)

PIA SILVANI: It’s usually/……it doesn’t typically work. So parents can probably stay…they’re going to probably take it upon themselves if they want a clean yard. Or…


PIA SILVANI: …if the children are taking the dog out…if the dog has to be on a leash, for example it is not a fenced area, take it to a particular area, wooded area, so they don’t have to clean up the yard.

ARDEN MOORE: Not the neighbor’s front yard, that’s ….

PIA SILVANI. Yeah, correct.

ARDEN MOORE: And I could start on neighbourhood feud a little bit, I guess? Yeah…


ARDEN MOORE: A big stink in the neighbourhood if you ..well, sorry.

PIA SILVANI: I’ve only had one cup of coffee. Just one today. You bring this out in me. I just want to blame it all on you. So, we’ve got the poop detail covered, we got the food covered…but even more fun: who gets to teach the dog some fun tricks? I mean, I don’t know about you, but when I’ve gone to Clipper Training classes, it seems that maybe you can address this ‘cause you give a lot of different type of classes …children maybe like older, 10 and older, seem to be really attentive in your classes and, and…seem to be able to master teaching tricks probably better than adults who keep thinking: ”should I” or would I” or “did I do it right” at this time. I mean, what’s …is there something with kids that maybe they can have a little fun teaching some tricks with their dogs?

PIA SILVANI: Oh, absolutely! And I find that children are....they’re…they’re very much into detail, especially when it comes to dogs. And the timing is better, because they’re not …they’re not worried about every little…little minor detail: how I hold the leash, where do I put the treat. You know, they’re, they’re… what they’re doing is their focus is on getting the dog to do the trick. So I never call them commands. I find that ‘commands’…that word to me sounds very militaristic. And we use the word ‘command’- the voice, the tonality of the voice tends to go down, and we say it as if it were command. So everything is a trick. ‘Sit’ can be a trick, ‘down’ can be a trick and…we call them funny names Kids like silly things so, for example, instead of ‘down’, we might call it ‘splat’ or…’hit the deck’.

ARDEN MOORE: There goes that vision again! ‘Splat!!’ 

PIA SILVANI: Alright? (laughing). Something fun. So…so if you can get a giggle out of a child, the child will probably be more apt to practice it, because it’s funny to him. For example, I just did a private, and we…the owners have taught ‘leave it’ and it was not reliable. And I said…to the child I said: “Ooh, how about ‘ick’” and I got a giggle. So, I thought if I get a giggle, the child’s never gonna say it in an intimidating type of voice. So, it was something fun, it’s a silly word and then they’re gonna practice.
ARDEN MOORE:…That’s a very good…Now, I’m going to change Chippers’ words to “ick” and “splat”. You’ve invigorated the child in me. I really appreciate. I mean, I don’t like that word “roll-over” so I say “belly up”


ARDEN MOORE:…yep, and Chipper thinks that’s really fun. Now, I know kids and dogs, depending on the size of the child and the size of the dog…it could be like an MBA center going after a jockey when they go to greet, so…any advice on how…how a young child, let’s say 8 or 10 can handle this steam-rolling Labrador “Happy to see you back from school!” jumping all over and just steam-rolling this little child?

PIA SILVANI: Yeah. There are so many different ways to go about doing this. What you can do is, you can have a child grab a bunch of biscuits, …


PIA SILVANI: … break them up into tiny little pieces and as the child comes into the room, he can say hello to the buddy and then he says “fetch” and he tosses the biscuits on the floor. The buddy is no longer interested in jumping up on the child – he’s cleaning up all the biscuits off the floor. The child who’s come into the house, puts his book bag down and… The jumping usually occurs at the door and it’s really within only the first 30 seconds.


PIA SILVANI: And once the child’s in, the dog is really not interested any more … The child’s not gonna be as excited and aroused and with its’ high-pitched voice elicit the dog to jump.


PIA SILVANI: If the dog is really into retrieving, they can pick up a tennis ball and they throw it off. So they’re actually…so now the dog is anticipating the toss of the tennis ball and..instead of jumping up on the child.

ARDEN MOORE: Oh, that’s a great…I like that idea a lot. And all the young people or people short like me, we appreciate that too.

PIA SILVANI: Yes, yes.

ARDEN MOORE: Tell us a little bit, if you could…this book, what…what got you to…to write this book with Lynn Eckhart. I know you said you really wanted to give some good common sense to parents - it’s called “Raising the Puppies and Kids Together”. We ‘re speaking with Pia Silvani, a great dog trainer. How…how’s the book…how are you getting the book out and how can we make sure more people get their hands and paws wrapped around this book?

PIA SILVANI: Yeah. I think…it actually isn’t just for puppies also.


PIA SILVANI: I do talk a lot about dogs in there. And if you’re going to…

ARDEN MOORE: Who are just puppies at heart.

PIA SILVANI: That’s right, that’s right.... If you’re going to have a baby – also, there is a full chapter in there and how to introduce your dog to the new baby and what the expectations are.


PIA SILVANI: And…the interest was there, again, to try to, again, do some myth-busting and take some of the mis-conceptions that people had about dogs and children, and maybe give parents some ideas how to get their children involved and “dos and don’ts”..what are the “dos and don’ts” and …and reasons why.

ARDEN MOORE: Well, could you give a few “dos and don’ts”? I know..I was spying on the St.Hubert’s website and I saw 5 do’s and 5 don’ts you recommend to children.

PIA SILVANI: Right, right…I think I probably mentioned some of them already. Do not take things away from …

ARDEN MOORE: Well, one I was surprised we could talk about: “Don’t hug or kiss your dog’s face, especially..well, duh, if you’re sleeping”, but…what’s the hug and the kissing all about…for a dog? That was a body language.

PIA SILVANI: Right, right…when I was a child I did that to my Collie and…when he was sleeping on his bed, and…I got bitten above the eye.  


PIA SILVANI:  That body language many times, and that’s not to say that all dogs are going to do that…if typically…what happens is in the children again like with hugging … hugging and kissing – we do that with children when it’s an expression of love, affection. And the harder we hug, the more we love. And we kiss…we kiss each other’s faces. You know: “Give mommy a kiss, give daddy a kiss”. So they’re gonna mimic that innocently thinking that…that is a canine body language, but as we know dogs do not hug each other, dogs don’t kiss each other, when they’re feeling affectionate, so there’s miscommunication right there. The dog…

ARDEN MOORE: How do they?…How does a dog show canine love to another dog, and I’m not talking about trying to have puppies, but…you know…?

PIA SILVANI: Now, this is… this is a family program

ARDEN MOORE: Turn around, so it’s off , little ones, anybody at …I mean, I see Chipper and Cleo  I have two dogs – and…oh, my gosh…they touch paws like stallions when they greet know…the little one is like doing, she’s 12 pounds, doing a little body slam  against my 60 pound dog and they’re like happy and gleeful, but there’s… there’s no real…hug, you know, around the neck or anything.

PIA SILVANI: No, no…They, they might exhibit, I would say, you know, a fair expression of love to each other that we don’t know, but, when they like each other, play! It’s a big part…the play. Playing with a dog builds a very, very strong bond. All animals play – they have some form of play. So I encourage children rather than to hug and kiss …to play. And parents…if parents aren’t sure, about how to teach the dog to play, then see a professional trainer. The trainer can help you. They can help you teach the dog to retrieve. There’s so many different games: there’s ‘hide-and-seek’, find…

ARDEN MOORE: Oh, I love that, yeah…   

PIA SILVANI: There are …

ARDEN MOORE: That sort of reinforces them to come on cue, right?



PIA SILVANI: Yeah, exactly. And I listed a bunch of these in the book. So this way, again…the child is busy doing something, the child’s active, the dog is getting some exercise, some mental stimulation, and also having a good time with the child.

ARDEN MOORE: That sounds great. We are listening to Pia Silvani, she is my special guest on the show “Oh Behave!!” on Pet Life Radio. Pia, is there any upcoming event you’d like to tell the world about, the world who’re listening and can you also tell us a little about how to get in touch with the St.Hubert’s Animal Welfare Centre in Madison, New Jersey where you are the Director of training and behaviour – we’d like to know. The two-, four- and three-leggers out there

PIA SILVANI: Sure, sure. You can visit our website, which is


PIA SILVANI:…and we have … library and we have many, many events happening, if you go to our even page. All of our events are listed and they are all fund-raising events. We are non-profit organization. So the nice parts with our over a hundred classes is all of the proceeds, that people kindly pay, go back to support our homeless animals, help to ….our pets. And…

ARDEN MOORE: But I have personally toured your place and it is awesome and you really are making a big difference, so, I wanted to let you know that too.

PIA SILVANI: Thank you, that’s very nice. The book can actually be purchased from us …

ARDEN MOORE: Ok, it’s called – let me give the plug -  “Raising Puppies and Kids Together – a Guide for Parents”, written by Pia Silvani and Lynn Eckhart.

PIA SILVANI: Yeah, and the proceeds go again to…go to the shelter. So you’re

ARDEN MOORE: That’s great.

PIA SILVANI: …invited to buy the book.

ARDEN MOORE: Well, from someone that started as a paralegal, I think you’re doing fabulous and, and…and even Chipper, my dog, would say: “Positively great!” So, I wanted to thank you for being on the show. I hope you’ll come back as you have a lot of great tips and we just really, really scratched the surface with you today.

ARDEN MOORE: Thank you very much, Pia.

PIA SILVANI: Thank you. I enjoyed talking to you again.

ARDEN MOORE: Alright. Well, that’s it for today. I’d like to thank our guest, Pia Silvani, and our very cool producer, Adam Winter, for making this show possible. If you’d like to know a little bit more about this show or get a transcript of this show or any other show on the Pet Life Radio network, you can just go to and click on the “Oh Behave!!” show and if you have any questions, comments or an idea for our upcoming show, just zip me an email at . So, until next time, this is your flea-free host, Arden Moore, delivering just two words for all you two- three- and four-leggers out there: Oh Behave!!


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