Susan Daffron
Founder, National Association
of Pet Rescue Professionals
Ruby - One Fun-loving White Kitty
Susan Daffron talks to Judy Ambrose from the Neponset Valley Humane Society in Massachusetts about a two-year-old female short-haired cat named Ruby. This beautiful pure white kitty has striking amber eyes and a few extra toes on her feet, so according to Judy, she looks like a "ballerina" when she walks. Ruby was found as a stray and was close to death when she was first rescued. She has a flea allergy, so she had skin problems and sores in her mouth that made eating painful. She was close to starving, but you'd never know it now.
As her health has returned, her playful personality has emerged. Judy calls Ruby a "rough and tumble" cat because she just loves to play. She loves to stalk, run, pounce, plop and leap into the air with excitement all in an effort to catch her favorite string toy. This game never seems to get old for Ruby! She is a social cat who likes being petted or brushed and doesn't mind being held. However, she is not fond of other cats, so it would be best if she is the only cat in her new home. If you want to share your life with a fun and entertaining cat who also happens to be extremely pretty, then Ruby is the cat for you!.
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