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Pet Peeves on Pet Life RadioAmy Shojai, CABC - host of Pet Peeves

Amy Shojai, CABC
Pet Authority
Award-winning author

A Foundation Of Love -- Morris Animal Foundation

Dr. Patricia Olson

Dr. Patricia Olson .


If you share your life with a cat, dog, horse, or love the idea of keeping
wildlife healthy--you have the Morris Animal Foundation to thank. Founded in
1948, the Foundation has been at the forefront of funding breakthrough
research benefiting animals all over the world. Yet there are some illnesses
and concerns that have dogged our pets--and especially our cats--for years.
Dr. Patricia Olson, the President and CEO (
describes some of the special initiatives funded by Morris that address
feline health, canine cancer, horse studies, and behavior issues--and how
you can help! And don't forget to check out the new Pet Peeves newsletter covering behavior, care and more, from


Questions or Comments? Send them to:


Morris Animal Foundation

Transcript will be available shortly.

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