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Claudia Chavez

Claudia Chavez


Claudia Chavez

Claudia Chavis believes that riding a horse should be characterized by a mutually enjoyable and trusting relationship between the rider and this beautiful animal, free from force and violence.  So, when one of her daughters insisted that a particularly 'hot' Peruvian mare she was riding at the time was much more relaxed and controllable without a bitted bridle (her daughter secretly would ride the mare in a rope halter), her quest for the perfect bitless solution began. 

Together, they investigated and tried many different bitless solutions out on the market, and finally also came across a unique bitless bridle from Germany, the LG Bridle™.

Claudia ended up spending several weeks here in the US with Monika, the inventor of the LG Bridle™, author of a book on bitless riding, and a well-known expert and advocate on bitless riding in Europe.  Claudia translated and interpreted for Monika, a native of Cologne, Germany, during these weeks in Monika's bitless riding workshops and lessons.  Monika has been training her since, and issued a certification, making Claudia the first and only certified LG Bridle™ advisor in the US. Claudia continues to receive the latest findings, future advancements, and the latest scientific knowledge on bitless riding from all over the world. She currently lives with her husband and daughters, six horses and four dogs in Shadow Hills, CA.  All her horses are ridden bitless and are barefoot.

For more information on bitless riding, please check the following resources, or email Claudia at

LG Bridle™


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