What You Didn’t Think Of Before, You Will Now at The National Museum for Animals And Society

Megan Blake on Pet Life Radio

Crazy Cat Ladies!  Bunny Mania!  Leading the pack for insight into how animals affect cultures and us as individuals is The National Museum for Animals and Society.  The Museum bursts past its walls and moves into active interaction.  bringing us hands-on programs and art designed to expand our thinking about our furry and feathered cousins, Carolyn Merino Mullin, founded and executive directs this cutting edge and way cool museum…   She’s amazingly impressive, fascinating, passionate for animals…  And, right now, she’s with us on a super mind-opening Super Smiley Adventure!


Carolyn Merino Mullin has over 14 years worth of experience in the nonprofit sector, with special emphasis in children’s education (literacy, humane education, museums) through her years with the Miami-Dade Public Library System, AmeriCorps' Alachua County Reads!, Bill Sadowski Park & Recreation, and the Miami Children's Museum. She has extensive experience in animal protection having served as the Miami-Dade and Alachua County Organizer for the historic "Yes on 10" ballot initiative with Floridians for Humane Farms which effectively banned gestation crates for pregnant sows on factory farms in 2002.

In 2008, she coordinated the Northern California "Yes on 2" campaign, which banned gestation crates, veal crates and battery cages within the state of California through Californians for Humane Farms. In addition to her legislative work, Carolyn has been involved from the ground-up in animal advocacy, leading community groups such as Animal Activists of Alachua, for which she was President, and running the West Coast branch of Farm Sanctuary's Education Department.

On the museum front, she has been involved in all aspects of museology (exhibition development and curation, education, events, registration, administration) with The Miami Science Museum, The Chico Museum, Casa Dolores (Center for the Study of the Popular Arts of Mexico), and the Miami Children's Museum. Carolyn earned her Bachelor’s in Religion Studies, with a focus in Religion & Nature, from the University of Florida and a Master’s in Nonprofit Management from Regis University in Denver, CO. She also reviews children's books from an animal protection standpoint at Vegbooks.org.