How to be Famous and Get Paid

Ty Brown on Pet Life Radio

Today's show features PR Rockstar Melissa Cassera who shares some of the most concise information on how to get featured by local and national print, radio, and television.  In this episode you'll learn:
- Whether the media is interested in who you are or what you know
- Simple ways to create hot story ideas that the media is basically begging for
- How even the smallest business owner can get in touch with some of the largest media outlets to get their 'pitch' heard
- What website is being used (and is free) that media outlets are using to search for experts just like you
- The most important social media website that entrepreneurs are using to get the attention of the media
- How to use the media to put cash in your pocket
- So much more.

Take notes during this episode, this info can help put your business on the map.


Melissa Cassera is an award-winning PR Expert and President of Publicity Firm Cassera Communications. When it comes to turning business owners into celebrities, she’s the real McCoy. Melissa has 10+ years of experience as a PR strategist, marketing + communication virtuoso — and has led multi-million dollar campaigns for companies + start-ups in the US, Canada, the UK, Japan, and France. Her clients regularly score national media attention, book deals (with bidding wars), paid speaking gigs — and sometimes, 6-figure spokesperson deals + reality TV show pilots.