Stay or Go: Home Remedies for Pets

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Jody L. Teiche is a pet health expert and pet parent coach. She uses natural and holistic healing to boost pet health. She teaches pet parents how to be more involved in their pets' longevity and quality of life. By opening her client's eyes up to home remedies, homeopathy, the benefits of a whole foods diet, and more, she also inspires pet lovers to better care for themselves. 

In this episode, Jody and Isabel discuss the power of homeopathy. Jody thinks homeopathy is elegant and an art form, and Isabel believes it's made her life as a parent easier. Although Isabel hasn't used homeopathy with her pets, she has used them with her children. After interviewing Jody, Isabel, and other pet lovers are sure to think of homeopathy and home remedies before rushing to the veterinarian for minor issues. 

Listen to Episode #82 Now:


Are you afraid to leave your house because your dog or cat freaks out? Does your dog's whining, crying or howling when you leave break your heart? Or worse yet, are you terrified they may hurt themselves while you're gone because they're so anxious? I had that dog. I would get anxious myself before I left the house, because I knew my Sophie would howl for as long as I was gone. I knew she was struggling and it killed me. But, I couldn't stay home 24/7; I had a life I had to live, a job I was working. So, what could I do? I didn't want to put her on medication. I had gone the veterinary behaviorist route with another of my dogs, Jasper, and it changed him in ways I didn't like and I thought lessened his quality of life.

So, I took matters into my own hands and studied both on my own and with experts, I practiced and learned. I experimented and found things that were natural that worked. And, I learned that because every animal is different, what works for one may not work for another. Today, I have a number of tools in my kit to help anxious pets feel calmer and more comfortable in their own skin, in their surroundings and in coping with life. So many dogs and cats are given up to shelters because of behavior issues that could have been helped, keeping the animal with their family. If you have an anxious pet and it's impacting your life and breaking your heart to see, I can help.