Single Ingredient Pet Treats - THE BEST TREATS

Isabel Alvarez Arata  on Pet Life Radio

Samm Hutchison, Founder of Bear's Bites and Co-Founder of the Bear's Bites Foundation, is a personal friend of Isabel's. In this fun and informative episode, Isabel and Samm celebrate the holidays while Samm shares her relatively short yet wildly successful pet industry journey. Samm and Isabel discuss Samm's 'Grinchy' take on the holidays and her unrelenting love of dogs, namely her dog, Bear.

Samm also lets us in on her treat-making operation, how long freeze-dried and dehydrated treats last, and more. These two boozy pet lovers have such a great conversation and time that listeners will feel like they too are catching up with old friends. Enjoy the show!

Listen to Episode #101 Now:


As long as I can remember we have always had dogs. About ten years ago we started noticing our boy Sarge was having bad ear infections and extremely dry skin. Many vet trips later and very expensive tests we realized he was allergic to his food. We put him on special food and it still didn’t work so I spent many hours, weeks and months researching food. I learned many things about food allergies. I switched his food and all things got better. Since Sarge we have had Tank and Bear that both have had major food allergies. I have spent A LOT of money on many different treats - some were okay and others just didn’t work out. Our Tank got sick about a year and a half ago and we thought it was a food problem so I decided to make his treats myself. Tank loved his bananas and sweet potatoes. When we got Bear he decided that he didn’t like fruits and veggies so I was buying dehydrated meat and with the cost of it I decided to make it myself. The reason I started Bear’s Bites is because people need to be able to get good quality treats and not have to spend a fortune on them. My fruit and veggies are organic and my meat is hormone free and steroid free. Bear eats better than we do!


00:00:16.132 --> 00:00:20.212
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Welcome to Covered in Pet Hair, a boozy show for pet lovers on PetLife Radio.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm your host, Isabel Alvarez Arata, and today I have the pleasure of having a drink and a chat and celebrating the holidays with a real life Grinch, her love of dog and all.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I will tell you all about her and introduce you as soon as we come back from these messages from our sponsors.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Welcome back to Covered in Pet Hair.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm your host, Isabel Alvarez Arata, and today I have the pleasure of having a drink and a chat with a pet parent, an entrepreneur.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She's a certified pet nutritionist.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She's a road tripper, a cocktail connoisseur, a coffee lover and a tea drinker.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She's originally from Peoria, Illinois, and now lives west of there, in West Peoria, Illinois.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She's wiped to Mike and dog mom to Bear, a very special dog, who we are going to discuss at length.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She is the owner and founder of Bear's Bites, and she is co-founder of Bear's Bites Foundation.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She is my personal friend, a lovely lady that I'm thrilled to introduce you to.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Her name is Samm Hutchison.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's so good to finally have you on the show.

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<Samm Hutchison> Yes, I am so excited.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Did I pronounce Peoria properly?

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> How do you pronounce it?

00:01:48.971 --> 00:01:49.471
<Samm Hutchison> Peoria.

00:01:49.831 --> 00:01:50.111
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Okay.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I was wondering if there was like that.

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<Samm Hutchison> I've got a Midwestern accent.

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<Samm Hutchison> So that's the only difference between the way I say it and the way you say it.

00:01:57.091 --> 00:01:58.151
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I love your accent.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's one of the things that I love about you.

00:02:00.031 --> 00:02:02.211
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's just, you're such a sweetheart.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You're so wholesome.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And then you have this accent.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I love it.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's just so cute to me.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

00:02:07.471 --> 00:02:12.751
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I want to dig into everything that makes you all so special because you really are so special.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But before I do that, I want to introduce our drinking game today.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So anybody at home, please participate.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's the holidays.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Anytime you hear this word.

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<Announcer> The secret word is liver.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Take a drink of whatever you're enjoying, but please be over 21 to partake in the US.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Never drink and drive and always drink responsibly.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So I know you and I are boozy pet lovers because we have been to Super Zoo together and we know our way around a bar.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So what are you having tonight, Samm?

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<Samm Hutchison> I am actually having a peppermint mule.

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<Samm Hutchison> Oh, yes, in my super fancy glass that has lights on it.

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<Samm Hutchison> It lights up and it has a snowman.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> How cute is that glass?

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Where did you get that?

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<Samm Hutchison> My friend Megan actually makes them.

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<Samm Hutchison> She owns Creative Cups and more.

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<Samm Hutchison> And she makes, I have multiple cups from her because she will make them.

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<Samm Hutchison> She makes dog cups.

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<Samm Hutchison> She makes like motivational cups and just like super cute cups like my cup today with the lights on it.

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<Samm Hutchison> As soon as I saw this, I was like, I gotta have this for your podcast.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I love it so much because I love it has lights on it.

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<Samm Hutchison> It only like turns just on.

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<Samm Hutchison> It doesn't blink or anything.

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<Samm Hutchison> It took me like five minutes to figure out how to turn it on.

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<Samm Hutchison> We just want to try to move that.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So how do you make a peppermint mule?

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<Samm Hutchison> Peppermint vodka and ginger beer.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Ooh, is it yummy?

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<Samm Hutchison> It is so good.

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<Samm Hutchison> So the recipe called for a shot of vodka, plain vodka, and then a shot of peppermint schnapps.

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<Samm Hutchison> And I do not like peppermint schnapps, so I just found peppermint vodka.

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<Samm Hutchison> And put two shots of that in there with my ginger beer.

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<Samm Hutchison> And then I forgot my candy canes, because I was going to have candy canes hanging over my cup.

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<Samm Hutchison> Totally forgot I'm at the house.

00:04:01.851 --> 00:04:05.011
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my God, I'm going to make that for Christmas Day.

00:04:05.451 --> 00:04:15.811
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> When I'm hosting, and it's only us and my grandmother, but when I'm hosting, I don't like to make elaborate drinks, because it's just, but two ingredient drinks, that is like perfect, because you can whip those up so quickly.

00:04:15.991 --> 00:04:16.971
<Samm Hutchison> Do you like coffee?

00:04:17.191 --> 00:04:17.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I do.

00:04:17.951 --> 00:04:18.531
<Samm Hutchison> Oh, girl.

00:04:19.951 --> 00:04:21.151
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Show me, tell me.

00:04:21.931 --> 00:04:26.891
<Samm Hutchison> Rum Chata Peppermint Bark in your coffee is amazing.

00:04:27.391 --> 00:04:27.951
<Samm Hutchison> Amazing.

00:04:28.571 --> 00:04:30.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my God, I didn't even know they made that.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I know I love Rum Chata, but I didn't even know they made that, so that's perfect.

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<Samm Hutchison> I didn't know until this year, and I was at the store that we go to to get our alcohol.

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<Samm Hutchison> It's called UFS.

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<Samm Hutchison> It's here in Peoria.

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<Samm Hutchison> And I was looking at it.

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<Samm Hutchison> They have the little bottles by the checkout, and I was like, oh, let's do this.

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<Samm Hutchison> So I took a home, poured it in my coffee, and now I'm a fan.

00:04:50.751 --> 00:04:53.351
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my God, I love a peppermint latte.

00:04:54.111 --> 00:04:55.331
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my God, it's just so good.

00:04:55.571 --> 00:04:58.731
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I'm actually going to make my drink in front of you.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I'm not making it, but I'm pouring it in front of you, because I want you to see this gorgeous trick I learned on social media.

00:05:05.911 --> 00:05:11.871
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So that is water that I put in a glass, then I put in a sprig of rosemary, and I froze it.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And it stayed pretty straight.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And then I made a cocktail, which is in my cocktail staker over here, that has vodka.

00:05:19.151 --> 00:05:28.911
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I used Snapple Kiwi Strawberry, and I made a Rosemary Simple Syrup so that I could have this yummy drink with you today.

00:05:28.931 --> 00:05:33.871
<Samm Hutchison> I totally saw your Facebook about you making the Rosemary Simple Syrup.

00:05:33.891 --> 00:05:36.331
<Samm Hutchison> And I was like, oh, snap, I am not that fancy.

00:05:37.371 --> 00:05:41.031
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Look how cute that is, because it's literally in the glass.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's in the ice.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's floating around.

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<Samm Hutchison> So it looks like a Christmas tree.

00:05:47.691 --> 00:05:48.931
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It is just floating there.

00:05:48.951 --> 00:05:50.291
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Isn't that so cute?

00:05:51.591 --> 00:05:54.331
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> OK, well, I need to figure out how I'm going to drink it.

00:05:54.351 --> 00:05:57.011
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But I have a little stirrer.

00:05:57.291 --> 00:05:58.631
<Samm Hutchison> Don't stab yourself in the eye.

00:05:58.991 --> 00:05:59.471
<Samm Hutchison> Is it good?

00:05:59.491 --> 00:06:00.551
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my gosh, that is so good.

00:06:01.371 --> 00:06:02.251
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That is perfect.

00:06:02.511 --> 00:06:05.371
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I could have put a little more rosemary, simple syrup in there.

00:06:05.391 --> 00:06:07.311
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But I didn't want it to be too sweet or too rosemary.

00:06:07.331 --> 00:06:08.551
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But it's so good.

00:06:08.571 --> 00:06:09.191
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's so nice.

00:06:09.631 --> 00:06:10.831
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I haven't named it yet.

00:06:10.851 --> 00:06:14.931
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But I was thinking, like, Christmas tree topper or something along those lines.

00:06:14.951 --> 00:06:16.851
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So I have to figure out what I'm going to name this.

00:06:17.191 --> 00:06:19.311
<Samm Hutchison> It looks like a Christmas tree floating in your drink.

00:06:19.911 --> 00:06:22.131
<Samm Hutchison> Because the little base is the ice.

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<Samm Hutchison> And then you get a Christmas tree floating in your drink.

00:06:24.791 --> 00:06:25.991
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yes, it is.

00:06:26.271 --> 00:06:27.051
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Super cute.

00:06:27.071 --> 00:06:27.991
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I love it so much.

00:06:28.631 --> 00:06:29.771
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I hope I don't spill it.

00:06:29.811 --> 00:06:33.331
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I just want to cheers to us finally doing this.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Cheers.

00:06:33.871 --> 00:06:34.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah.

00:06:35.131 --> 00:06:36.131
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my god, this is so good.

00:06:36.151 --> 00:06:37.631
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm going to be drinking this all evening.

00:06:37.651 --> 00:06:40.291
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I made extra, too, because I'm going to go on Happy Hour now after this.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I do Happy Hour after my shows, after I record, so I can go live on Instagram.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I'm going to be just tipsy tonight.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That's fine, because it's the holidays.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So I always introduce this show with a game.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Today is no exception, especially today, celebrating the holidays.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So I'm going to play a game called Top of the Holiday to you.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I want you to tell me your top choices for these holiday categories.

00:07:04.691 --> 00:07:05.551
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Are you ready to play?

00:07:07.171 --> 00:07:08.151
<Samm Hutchison> Let's do it.

00:07:12.331 --> 00:07:14.671
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> What is your favorite holiday movie?

00:07:14.971 --> 00:07:15.411
<Samm Hutchison> Grinch.

00:07:15.811 --> 00:07:16.911
<Samm Hutchison> The Jim Carrey one?

00:07:17.391 --> 00:07:17.711
<Samm Hutchison> Yeah.

00:07:17.731 --> 00:07:18.111
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

00:07:18.411 --> 00:07:19.431
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I was going to ask you which one.

00:07:19.451 --> 00:07:20.891
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That is the best Grinch.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I love it so much.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> What is your favorite holiday song?

00:07:25.171 --> 00:07:28.871
<Samm Hutchison> Cheryl Crowe did a version of the Blue Christmas back in 99.

00:07:29.211 --> 00:07:29.911
<Samm Hutchison> It's amazing.

00:07:30.291 --> 00:07:31.011
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my gosh.

00:07:31.031 --> 00:07:34.791
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You are like a Christmas historian and a Grinch all at the same time.

00:07:36.351 --> 00:07:42.731
<Samm Hutchison> I was like my senior year in high school and this song, I heard it on the radio coming to the mall and I was like, Oh my God.

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<Samm Hutchison> I don't even make Christmas music.

00:07:46.211 --> 00:07:46.611
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

00:07:46.931 --> 00:07:49.471
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Favorite food to eat on Christmas Day?

00:07:50.611 --> 00:07:55.631
<Samm Hutchison> I know it sounds cliche, but on Christmas Eve, we've done tacos for I don't know how many years.

00:07:57.351 --> 00:08:04.351
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That's actually not that weird to me because I'm in El Paso and the tradition for Mexicans, at least here in El Paso, because I'm not Mexican.

00:08:04.551 --> 00:08:06.271
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So I'm not an expert in the culture.

00:08:06.291 --> 00:08:11.391
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But here in El Paso, we do tamales for Christmas Eve and they're so spicy.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Even though I'm Latina, I'm not used to that level of spice.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And some of them, they make me cry, but they're so good.

00:08:22.391 --> 00:08:24.651
<Samm Hutchison> I was going to say, I wouldn't be able to partake.

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<Samm Hutchison> So I have a friend whose mom just like took me and made me hers.

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<Samm Hutchison> And she's from Mexico.

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<Samm Hutchison> And she'll tell me, she'll say, Miha, this is not white girls today.

00:08:34.831 --> 00:08:36.451
<Samm Hutchison> Legit, that's what she tells me.

00:08:37.131 --> 00:08:39.491
<Samm Hutchison> And then she'll say, you can have this one, Miha.

00:08:41.391 --> 00:08:41.971
<Samm Hutchison> Love you.

00:08:42.711 --> 00:08:43.911
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah, so I don't even.

00:08:44.191 --> 00:08:47.851
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So here, because I look Latina, they'll be like, I'll be like, is it spicy?

00:08:49.311 --> 00:08:50.851
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I'm like, no, but I'm not Mexican.

00:08:50.871 --> 00:08:52.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And they're like, oh, OK, yeah, it's spicy.

00:08:55.351 --> 00:08:59.431
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm like, just because I'm speaking to you in Spanish doesn't mean that I can handle that.

00:09:00.871 --> 00:09:01.871
<Samm Hutchison> No, I'm a ginger.

00:09:01.891 --> 00:09:03.331
<Samm Hutchison> They know right out.

00:09:03.451 --> 00:09:05.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh, yeah.

00:09:05.091 --> 00:09:06.191
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You don't look the part.

00:09:06.211 --> 00:09:07.471
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You definitely don't look the part.

00:09:07.471 --> 00:09:07.891
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

00:09:08.231 --> 00:09:09.331
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Next question.

00:09:09.551 --> 00:09:13.571
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> What is your favorite gift you've ever received around the holidays?

00:09:14.431 --> 00:09:23.991
<Samm Hutchison> Oh, Mike bought me the ring that I wear as my wedding ring, actually, 21 years ago for Christmas.

00:09:24.011 --> 00:09:24.511
<Samm Hutchison> For Christmas.

00:09:25.111 --> 00:09:25.451
<Samm Hutchison> Yeah.

00:09:26.431 --> 00:09:27.371
<Samm Hutchison> And it's an opal.

00:09:30.091 --> 00:09:31.771
<Samm Hutchison> I wear it to this day.

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<Samm Hutchison> I had it on in Vegas.

00:09:33.671 --> 00:09:34.331
<Samm Hutchison> I love that.

00:09:34.571 --> 00:09:36.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I think I saw it because I remember it being opal.

00:09:40.151 --> 00:09:42.791
<Samm Hutchison> We've been together 23 years in February.

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<Samm Hutchison> It would have been 22 years ago.

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<Samm Hutchison> It was our first Christmas.

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<Samm Hutchison> He bought it for me.

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<Samm Hutchison> Well, I picked it out.

00:09:50.231 --> 00:09:50.871
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He bought it.

00:09:50.991 --> 00:09:53.851
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, same with my engagement ring.

00:09:53.871 --> 00:09:56.991
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I have an emerald, actually, speaking of I'm wearing my green here.

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<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's one of my favorite colors.

00:09:59.291 --> 00:10:05.731
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I have an emerald ring that's like 100 years old, so I don't wear it anymore very often because it's 100 years old.

00:10:06.271 --> 00:10:07.611
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It is not a family heirloom.

00:10:07.631 --> 00:10:09.431
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's something I found and fell in love with.

00:10:09.571 --> 00:10:11.511
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I and then he bought it.

00:10:12.171 --> 00:10:15.611
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I got it for Valentine's Day, not for Christmas.

00:10:15.631 --> 00:10:16.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Always a holiday.

00:10:16.931 --> 00:10:17.911
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You guys are cheap.

00:10:17.971 --> 00:10:21.191
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You should have bought me the holiday gifts and the ring separately.

00:10:22.911 --> 00:10:28.851
<Samm Hutchison> Well, my birthday is three days after Valentine's Day, so I don't I don't abuse Mike too much at now.

00:10:29.051 --> 00:10:30.311
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah, yeah, that's true.

00:10:30.331 --> 00:10:30.771
<Samm Hutchison> That's true.

00:10:30.791 --> 00:10:32.451
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Especially now that it's shared money, right?

00:10:34.951 --> 00:10:37.791
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> The best gift you've ever gotten.

00:10:40.691 --> 00:10:45.551
<Samm Hutchison> I actually bought my mama a set of pants this year that she wants, and I know she's going to be ecstatic.

00:10:46.911 --> 00:10:52.831
<Samm Hutchison> On top of that, we bought my dad a bird feeder with a camera on it.

00:10:53.911 --> 00:10:56.291
<Samm Hutchison> So, like, they're getting the best presents this year ever.

00:10:56.311 --> 00:11:02.571
<Samm Hutchison> Because I ended on top of that, once Mike sees my dad's present, he's going to want one, too.

00:11:02.851 --> 00:11:05.031
<Samm Hutchison> So I might as well just buy him one for Christmas.

00:11:05.551 --> 00:11:10.831
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Okay, don't let any of them see this until after the Christmas gifts have been exchanged.

00:11:11.251 --> 00:11:14.371
<Samm Hutchison> Yeah, I won't be able to share it on our Facebook.

00:11:16.491 --> 00:11:22.091
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> We'll share clips, and then you can give them the link to the whole episode after the gifts have been exchanged, yes?

00:11:22.191 --> 00:11:23.831
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right, last question.

00:11:23.851 --> 00:11:29.691
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Have you ever taken a vacation around the holidays, or do you usually stay home?

00:11:29.791 --> 00:11:31.571
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> What do your holiday plans usually look like?

00:11:31.691 --> 00:11:33.291
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Favorite, favorite things to do?

00:11:33.791 --> 00:11:40.471
<Samm Hutchison> We normally stay home because both Mike and I work owning the business around the holidays is tough to get out.

00:11:41.691 --> 00:11:45.751
<Samm Hutchison> Next year, I think we are going to just be like, done and take a trip.

00:11:46.211 --> 00:11:51.471
<Samm Hutchison> But it's got to be somewhere warm, and there's not a whole lot of warm places in December that we can take bear swimming.

00:11:52.111 --> 00:11:53.251
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah, no, you're right.

00:11:53.351 --> 00:11:56.451
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I was going to say El Paso, but then you added the bear swimming thing.

00:11:56.911 --> 00:11:58.171
<Samm Hutchison> Like, how warm is it at your house?

00:11:58.231 --> 00:11:58.831
<Samm Hutchison> At your house right now?

00:11:59.111 --> 00:12:01.471
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh, right now it's like 65, 70 degrees out.

00:12:01.551 --> 00:12:02.771
<Samm Hutchison> Oh, shit, that's warm enough.

00:12:03.091 --> 00:12:05.871
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But wait, I'd have to find you like a pool.

00:12:05.891 --> 00:12:06.791
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Like, we're in the desert.

00:12:06.811 --> 00:12:08.471
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'd have to find you a watering hole.

00:12:08.791 --> 00:12:10.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Not that kind of watering hole.

00:12:10.411 --> 00:12:12.131
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> A hole filled with water for a bear.

00:12:15.211 --> 00:12:21.631
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right, so speaking of bear and how special he is, how is he doing and how old is he now?

00:12:21.931 --> 00:12:28.211
<Samm Hutchison> So he is, he turned seven in July, which is actually his breed, Dog Day Bordeaux.

00:12:28.551 --> 00:12:30.571
<Samm Hutchison> It lives till they're about seven, eight years old.

00:12:30.951 --> 00:12:37.071
<Samm Hutchison> So he's doing better than he has in multiple years.

00:12:37.211 --> 00:12:55.011
<Samm Hutchison> So he was diagnosed with heart disease back in May, and he went on medicine, he went on CBD, he went on, Snow in the Mushroom, Blend, Breathe, and he is running around like he's a puppy.

00:12:56.971 --> 00:12:59.771
<Samm Hutchison> So I will take it as long as I have him.

00:12:59.991 --> 00:13:13.791
<Samm Hutchison> We went to a new cardiologist back in, well, about a month ago, back in October, I think it was, and he does have extra beats on the bottom of his heart, which I guess we did not understand how serious that was.

00:13:14.551 --> 00:13:23.531
<Samm Hutchison> And unfortunately, that's just not a really good thing, but we're going to keep him as long as he's happy and running around in me in a crazy pants and he's doing good.

00:13:23.911 --> 00:13:33.091
<Samm Hutchison> He wakes me up every morning at 5 o'clock, whether I'm awake or not, sometimes it's 4.30, and wants to run around like a crazy pants and play with his Lambie.

00:13:33.391 --> 00:13:36.231
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh my gosh, he and Van Gogh would be best friends.

00:13:36.251 --> 00:13:38.191
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I can't get good sleep since I got my cat.

00:13:38.891 --> 00:13:41.291
<Samm Hutchison> Oh, he loves cats, but they beat him up.

00:13:41.751 --> 00:13:44.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh, yeah, Van Gogh seems, he's very territorial.

00:13:44.611 --> 00:13:45.851
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You know how cats are territorial.

00:13:45.851 --> 00:13:49.231
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So we only had one dog that doesn't live here visit.

00:13:49.251 --> 00:13:51.491
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> She's a boomer, stayed with us for a few days.

00:13:51.891 --> 00:13:57.171
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And like at first, when he came to like just do like a little, hi, how are you and leave, everything was fine.

00:13:57.191 --> 00:14:01.251
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But once Van Gogh realized he was staying for a while, he was like, get out.

00:14:01.831 --> 00:14:04.771
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He was like, swat him away from the bull and stuff.

00:14:05.011 --> 00:14:09.371
<Samm Hutchison> Bear would be like, oh, hey, friend, and like come over and then he'd get beat up.

00:14:09.491 --> 00:14:11.051
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yep, that got the swatting.

00:14:11.231 --> 00:14:14.251
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So Bear inspired your business, Bear's Bites.

00:14:14.571 --> 00:14:16.531
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Obviously, the name's a giveaway.

00:14:16.531 --> 00:14:19.591
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But tell us how that happened and what were you doing prior?

00:14:19.991 --> 00:14:23.411
<Samm Hutchison> So I was in accounting prior to Bear's Bites.

00:14:23.751 --> 00:14:31.171
<Samm Hutchison> How things actually started is our boys before Bear's, Sergeant Tank, actually had food allergies.

00:14:31.191 --> 00:14:36.091
<Samm Hutchison> So I've been making dog treats for, gosh, it's coming close to 20 years now.

00:14:36.751 --> 00:14:46.411
<Samm Hutchison> Because our boys had food allergies and I couldn't find anything that didn't have chicken in it and didn't have a bunch of stuff that I couldn't pronounce.

00:14:46.451 --> 00:14:47.951
<Samm Hutchison> So I wasn't going to try it.

00:14:47.971 --> 00:14:49.471
<Samm Hutchison> So I wasn't giving it to the boys.

00:14:50.091 --> 00:14:53.251
<Samm Hutchison> And so I got one of those little white Ronco dehydrators.

00:14:53.271 --> 00:14:54.691
<Samm Hutchison> I've probably got it still.

00:14:55.071 --> 00:14:57.451
<Samm Hutchison> And one day it'll be in the Bear's Bites Museum.

00:14:59.351 --> 00:15:04.311
<Samm Hutchison> And I started making them sweet potatoes and bananas, just organic sweet potatoes and bananas.

00:15:04.331 --> 00:15:05.291
<Samm Hutchison> And the boys loved them.

00:15:05.491 --> 00:15:11.711
<Samm Hutchison> So when the boys passed away, we adopted Bear and I was so excited, girl, like so excited.

00:15:11.731 --> 00:15:12.711
<Samm Hutchison> We're going to pick up Bear.

00:15:13.171 --> 00:15:16.231
<Samm Hutchison> And I was like, he's never had treats like these.

00:15:16.251 --> 00:15:17.351
<Samm Hutchison> I was so excited.

00:15:17.371 --> 00:15:21.811
<Samm Hutchison> That dog smashed those all over the floor of my car.

00:15:21.831 --> 00:15:24.051
<Samm Hutchison> He would not even put them in his mouth.

00:15:24.071 --> 00:15:26.551
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Ooh, they were too high end for him.

00:15:26.911 --> 00:15:30.291
<Samm Hutchison> He started not feeding ginger shit the day we met him.

00:15:31.431 --> 00:15:32.391
<Samm Hutchison> Just like his mommy.

00:15:32.691 --> 00:15:43.491
<Samm Hutchison> So I found a local company, a local farm that did hormone-free, steroid-free, organic raising of their needs.

00:15:44.071 --> 00:15:45.671
<Samm Hutchison> And I started doing beef liver.

00:15:46.351 --> 00:15:50.431
<Samm Hutchison> And then that was, so we adopted Bear in March of 2017.

00:15:51.111 --> 00:15:57.391
<Samm Hutchison> And in November of 2017, I looked at Mike and I was like, babe, I'm gonna start a dog treat business.

00:15:57.411 --> 00:16:00.071
<Samm Hutchison> And he's like, he gave me the crazy pamphlet.

00:16:00.091 --> 00:16:01.871
<Samm Hutchison> Like, oh Jesus Christ.

00:16:02.251 --> 00:16:05.311
<Samm Hutchison> And then I was like, no, no, no, hear me out.

00:16:05.331 --> 00:16:07.591
<Samm Hutchison> He's like, do you know anything about starting a business?

00:16:07.611 --> 00:16:08.431
<Samm Hutchison> I was like, no.

00:16:09.091 --> 00:16:10.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> No, but you're an accountant.

00:16:10.091 --> 00:16:12.031
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You've got like half, halfway there.

00:16:13.331 --> 00:16:14.691
<Samm Hutchison> He's like, when are you gonna do this?

00:16:14.711 --> 00:16:16.411
<Samm Hutchison> I was like, we're launching January 1st.

00:16:16.431 --> 00:16:20.091
<Samm Hutchison> He's like, okay, I get the crazy pamphlet a lot.

00:16:20.331 --> 00:16:21.311
<Samm Hutchison> I'm not even gonna lie.

00:16:21.531 --> 00:16:23.171
<Samm Hutchison> Like, he does the whole.

00:16:25.971 --> 00:16:27.451
<Samm Hutchison> My dad did it to me.

00:16:27.471 --> 00:16:28.871
<Samm Hutchison> My dad still does it to me.

00:16:28.891 --> 00:16:30.191
<Samm Hutchison> Now Mike does it to me.

00:16:30.711 --> 00:16:32.731
<Samm Hutchison> We launched February 8th of that year.

00:16:32.951 --> 00:16:34.691
<Samm Hutchison> I had to learn a few extra things.

00:16:34.711 --> 00:16:36.011
<Samm Hutchison> Like, I've done all my paperwork.

00:16:36.271 --> 00:16:37.991
<Samm Hutchison> I've done my LLC paperwork.

00:16:38.011 --> 00:16:42.251
<Samm Hutchison> I've done my, found the insurance, all of the things I did myself.

00:16:42.931 --> 00:16:51.251
<Samm Hutchison> And we launched February 8th, and here we are for five and a half years later, way beyond what I ever thought we would be.

00:16:51.271 --> 00:16:58.191
<Samm Hutchison> Like, really my goal when I started my business, I was like, oh, at five years, I'll quit my job.

00:16:58.211 --> 00:17:03.811
<Samm Hutchison> I'll do some farmers market, have an income, help some dogs with their allergies, you know, help families.

00:17:04.391 --> 00:17:23.471
<Samm Hutchison> I quit my job in less than two years, my full-time job, and moved into a, we had a dinner house, moved out of our house in less than three years, signed a lease on a building during COVID, moved out of that building the following year into where we're at, and we're probably buying a building this coming summer.

00:17:25.671 --> 00:17:28.351
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Okay, tell me how many retail stores you're in right now?

00:17:28.551 --> 00:17:30.671
<Samm Hutchison> Over 250 nationwide.

00:17:30.911 --> 00:17:32.571
<Samm Hutchison> So, it's a-

00:17:32.591 --> 00:17:33.311
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It's amazing.

00:17:33.771 --> 00:17:38.011
<Samm Hutchison> It's kind of crazy, because I totally did not perceive this.

00:17:38.391 --> 00:17:39.911
<Samm Hutchison> And we're still expanding.

00:17:40.451 --> 00:17:44.371
<Samm Hutchison> One of the goals for 2024 is to expand our wholesale.

00:17:44.891 --> 00:17:46.791
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Wow, that is just so cool.

00:17:46.831 --> 00:17:47.931
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm so proud of you.

00:17:47.951 --> 00:17:49.231
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I think it's so amazing.

00:17:49.931 --> 00:17:53.091
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> When in this journey did you become a pet nutritionist?

00:17:53.411 --> 00:17:54.431
<Samm Hutchison> Two years ago.

00:17:54.631 --> 00:17:56.331
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And why did you feel compelled to do that?

00:17:56.491 --> 00:18:02.051
<Samm Hutchison> Because I did not have all of the knowledge to help pet parents that I wanted, and I'm still learning.

00:18:02.071 --> 00:18:13.811
<Samm Hutchison> Like I want to take– I'm certified through dogs naturally, and I want to take the real dog certification, and I also want to take Dr.

00:18:13.831 --> 00:18:14.191
<Samm Hutchison> Roos.

00:18:14.491 --> 00:18:17.891
<Samm Hutchison> So I've got like– the plans are working.

00:18:17.911 --> 00:18:28.831
<Samm Hutchison> I wanted to start the real dog one like now, but it's Christmas time, and we have to do it in January, which I don't even know if I'll have time to do it in January, but we'll see.

00:18:28.851 --> 00:18:35.571
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right, well, I want to dig into why you're so busy, and all the things you make for dogs and cats, too.

00:18:35.631 --> 00:18:35.971
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yes.

00:18:36.071 --> 00:18:37.711
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But we need to take a little break here.

00:18:37.731 --> 00:18:38.371
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> We'll take a break.

00:18:38.391 --> 00:18:44.051
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> We'll come back with Samm, and she's going to give us the menu that they offer dogs at Bear's Bites.

00:18:44.211 --> 00:18:45.071
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Don't go anywhere.

00:18:45.091 --> 00:18:47.731
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> We'll be right back after these messages from our sponsors.

00:18:51.091 --> 00:18:52.831
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Molly, here's your dinner.

00:18:57.331 --> 00:18:59.371
<Announcer> Don't let that happen to your precious cat.

00:18:59.611 --> 00:19:02.871
<Announcer> Elevate your cat's eating experience with the Cat Tree Tray.

00:19:03.111 --> 00:19:08.511
<Announcer> The Cat Tree Tray keeps your cat's food off the floor and conveniently located on the cat tree.

00:19:08.911 --> 00:19:11.051
<Announcer> It's the perfect way to eat.

00:19:11.431 --> 00:19:18.871
<Announcer> It's a beautiful wrought iron tray that easily attaches to your cat tree and keeps dogs and other critters out of your cat's dish.

00:19:19.211 --> 00:19:21.071
<Announcer> A must for multi-pet households.

00:19:21.351 --> 00:19:25.331
<Announcer> There's a 6-inch tray for large bowls and a 4-inch tray for smaller bowls.

00:19:25.771 --> 00:19:28.371
<Announcer> Purchase your Cat Tree Tray today.

00:19:28.791 --> 00:19:31.271
<Announcer> Go right now to

00:19:31.531 --> 00:19:33.291
<Announcer> That's

00:19:57.736 --> 00:19:59.336
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Welcome back to Covered In Pet Hair.

00:20:00.996 --> 00:20:10.196
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And today, I'm speaking to my friend, Samm, who is the founder of Bear's Bites, who makes amazing dog treats and cat treats.

00:20:10.616 --> 00:20:13.236
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And she is just a force to be reckoned with.

00:20:13.296 --> 00:20:19.516
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Five plus years, 250 retail stores, working on wholesale, picking ass and taking names.

00:20:19.816 --> 00:20:22.876
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But I can't describe her as anything else but a bad ass.

00:20:23.116 --> 00:20:26.336
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So Samm, I'm going to invite you to play a second game with me.

00:20:26.636 --> 00:20:27.936
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Because I know you can do this.

00:20:28.476 --> 00:20:31.996
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> This is called The Best Pet Gift.

00:20:33.796 --> 00:20:37.756
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I have this opinion that I want you to support here.

00:20:38.236 --> 00:20:44.636
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I believe that the best gift you can give a pet is a single ingredient treat.

00:20:45.096 --> 00:20:48.176
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> A high quality, obviously, made in the USA.

00:20:48.316 --> 00:20:50.636
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Single ingredient treat.

00:20:51.296 --> 00:20:57.256
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I would like to give you one minute on my handy dandy clock here to support my opinion.

00:20:57.796 --> 00:20:58.916
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Are you willing to do that?

00:20:59.316 --> 00:21:00.296
<Samm Hutchison> I can do that.

00:21:00.656 --> 00:21:01.936
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Okay, I know you can.

00:21:05.336 --> 00:21:06.496
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You can keep going.

00:21:06.616 --> 00:21:07.816
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'll let you go, don't worry.

00:21:07.836 --> 00:21:09.216
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I won't stop you.

00:21:09.696 --> 00:21:14.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All you have to do is tell us why single ingredient treats are the best pet gift.

00:21:14.836 --> 00:21:16.796
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Three, two, one, go!

00:21:17.536 --> 00:21:26.116
<Samm Hutchison> Okay, so single ingredient treats are the best pet gift because if your dogs have food allergies, then you don't have to worry about anything extra being in there.

00:21:26.576 --> 00:21:34.556
<Samm Hutchison> Also, you don't have to worry about being cross-contaminated in my shop because we only make one thing at a time and cross-contamination is actually a big deal.

00:21:34.696 --> 00:21:39.396
<Samm Hutchison> Dealing with organ meat, if you have just beef liver, that's all you're getting.

00:21:39.636 --> 00:21:41.836
<Samm Hutchison> Chicken hearts are great for taurine.

00:21:42.276 --> 00:21:46.316
<Samm Hutchison> Pumpkin is great for digestive issues.

00:21:46.536 --> 00:21:50.476
<Samm Hutchison> We also do whipped cream now because we have a cool thing and it's good.

00:21:50.536 --> 00:21:54.756
<Samm Hutchison> I know it's a little bit sugary, but you only get them a little bit.

00:21:55.936 --> 00:21:56.936
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They taste good.

00:22:00.496 --> 00:22:02.016
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Okay, they taste good, right?

00:22:02.256 --> 00:22:06.316
<Samm Hutchison> Yes, I actually try all of my treats except for beef liver because I can't stand it.

00:22:07.376 --> 00:22:09.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Ew, I've never, I don't think I've ever eaten liver.

00:22:09.856 --> 00:22:13.156
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I think my family spared me of that growing up because my family didn't like it.

00:22:13.276 --> 00:22:16.796
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So, I think I'm good, but my cat and my dog, they just love your treats.

00:22:16.916 --> 00:22:17.736
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They love your treats.

00:22:18.096 --> 00:22:24.856
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> If you ever do another like free shipping extravaganza, I'm going to order another big box because it was just like, I blew the budget that month.

00:22:24.876 --> 00:22:25.436
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I didn't care.

00:22:25.536 --> 00:22:27.036
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Because they're so good.

00:22:27.056 --> 00:22:29.216
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They're so good.

00:22:29.876 --> 00:22:36.036
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> You have one specific treat that's for cats, but can cats enjoy the other ones as well?

00:22:36.636 --> 00:22:41.936
<Samm Hutchison> Yes, so cats can enjoy our chicken hearts, which is actually a favorite of cats and dogs.

00:22:41.976 --> 00:22:43.516
<Samm Hutchison> It's becoming our number one treat.

00:22:43.536 --> 00:22:46.256
<Samm Hutchison> I cannot keep it in stock.

00:22:46.276 --> 00:22:53.616
<Samm Hutchison> We have our chicken breasts, which are for cats, which are safe for dogs too, but they're geared towards cats.

00:22:53.636 --> 00:23:00.376
<Samm Hutchison> We have our chicken hearts, our chicken gizzards, our beef liver freeze-dried beef liver is safe for cats.

00:23:00.576 --> 00:23:02.196
<Samm Hutchison> We also have chicken liver.

00:23:02.716 --> 00:23:04.236
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> These are all safe for cats.

00:23:04.256 --> 00:23:07.116
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So dehydrated?

00:23:07.396 --> 00:23:09.396
<Samm Hutchison> Those are the cat treats or freeze-dried.

00:23:09.416 --> 00:23:12.856
<Samm Hutchison> I didn't do cat treats when I first started because I didn't have freeze-dryers.

00:23:12.876 --> 00:23:16.416
<Samm Hutchison> But once we got our freeze-dryers, I started doing cat treats.

00:23:16.436 --> 00:23:18.576
<Samm Hutchison> The dehydrated is just a little hard for them.

00:23:19.116 --> 00:23:19.436
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah.

00:23:19.556 --> 00:23:21.476
<Samm Hutchison> So that's the only reason.

00:23:21.856 --> 00:23:22.236
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> All right.

00:23:22.276 --> 00:23:23.016
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Very cool.

00:23:23.036 --> 00:23:23.556
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Very cool.

00:23:23.576 --> 00:23:27.396
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> My cat, I just want for the dehydrated ones, I just like break little pieces.

00:23:27.416 --> 00:23:28.456
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I mean, he eats it.

00:23:28.476 --> 00:23:29.256
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He looks like he eats it.

00:23:29.836 --> 00:23:34.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But he and Kira both agree that the chicken hearts are the number one option on the menu.

00:23:34.816 --> 00:23:36.436
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They will order it every single time.

00:23:36.516 --> 00:23:40.156
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And I have a cat that literally comes when called, thanks to your treats.

00:23:41.656 --> 00:23:42.536
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So, thanks for that.

00:23:43.136 --> 00:23:48.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He knows if I'm shaking something, it's got to be a Bear's Bites bag and there's something delicious in there.

00:23:48.836 --> 00:23:51.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Alright, so, how do you make your treats?

00:23:51.696 --> 00:23:54.316
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Tell us about the process that you just alluded to.

00:23:54.336 --> 00:24:02.596
<Samm Hutchison> So, I have this big shop that I have six freeze dryers, which we're actually going to be expanding that in January.

00:24:02.616 --> 00:24:07.056
<Samm Hutchison> And I have two huge industrial dehydrators.

00:24:08.276 --> 00:24:10.036
<Samm Hutchison> So, everything gets sliced.

00:24:10.036 --> 00:24:17.476
<Samm Hutchison> Well, the chicken herds don't, but I do cut off the fat for the chicken herds because fat can actually go to rancid, even freeze dried.

00:24:17.536 --> 00:24:19.876
<Samm Hutchison> So, I don't like having the fat on there.

00:24:19.896 --> 00:24:25.216
<Samm Hutchison> I know that they need to have some, but I don't want you guys to risk it molding.

00:24:27.176 --> 00:24:29.476
<Samm Hutchison> So, I do cut off the fat for the chicken herds.

00:24:29.936 --> 00:24:33.196
<Samm Hutchison> And then the freeze dried, it goes in the machines.

00:24:33.196 --> 00:24:41.616
<Samm Hutchison> It takes about anywhere from 24 hours to I think I got one in there that's at 65 hours right now.

00:24:42.816 --> 00:24:47.356
<Samm Hutchison> And then dehydrated side, it all gets sliced.

00:24:47.396 --> 00:24:55.136
<Samm Hutchison> I have a slicer and our beef liver gets sliced, chicken gets sliced, everything gets sliced, goes on trays, goes right in the dehydrator.

00:24:55.156 --> 00:24:56.276
<Samm Hutchison> And that takes a little less time.

00:24:56.296 --> 00:25:01.136
<Samm Hutchison> It's normally between 36 to 40 hours for anything in there.

00:25:01.156 --> 00:25:04.396
<Samm Hutchison> Minus the pig's feet, those take five days across the board.

00:25:05.496 --> 00:25:08.796
<Samm Hutchison> But everything else is pretty much like two days, three days.

00:25:09.016 --> 00:25:10.456
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That is incredible.

00:25:10.516 --> 00:25:12.056
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And how many people on your team?

00:25:12.076 --> 00:25:13.176
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I already know the answer to this.

00:25:13.196 --> 00:25:15.216
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I just want my audience to know the answer to this.

00:25:15.576 --> 00:25:16.516
<Samm Hutchison> Well, there's me.

00:25:16.536 --> 00:25:24.076
<Samm Hutchison> And then my husband fixes the equipment that I break because I'm really good at breaking the equipment.

00:25:24.396 --> 00:25:24.876
<Samm Hutchison> And Bear.

00:25:25.136 --> 00:25:25.736
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And Bear.

00:25:25.876 --> 00:25:26.676
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And what does he do?

00:25:26.696 --> 00:25:28.476
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Just quality control, I assume?

00:25:28.476 --> 00:25:30.616
<Samm Hutchison> He is the chief tasting officer.

00:25:30.636 --> 00:25:33.076
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And what is his favorite?

00:25:33.136 --> 00:25:33.716
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Chicken hearts?

00:25:34.096 --> 00:25:34.956
<Samm Hutchison> Chicken hearts.

00:25:35.256 --> 00:25:37.396
<Samm Hutchison> And now freeze-dried beef liver, too.

00:25:38.376 --> 00:25:38.736
<Samm Hutchison> So.

00:25:38.756 --> 00:25:39.536
<Samm Hutchison> All right.

00:25:39.916 --> 00:25:41.536
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Tell us about the meat you use.

00:25:41.596 --> 00:25:42.316
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Tell us about.

00:25:42.576 --> 00:25:43.736
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And it's raw, right?

00:25:43.756 --> 00:25:46.276
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So you freeze-dried it from raw, dehydrated from raw?

00:25:46.296 --> 00:25:46.496
<Samm Hutchison> Yeah.

00:25:46.936 --> 00:25:47.276
<Samm Hutchison> Yes.

00:25:47.276 --> 00:25:49.096
<Samm Hutchison> Everything is raw when it comes in here.

00:25:50.116 --> 00:25:51.936
<Samm Hutchison> Everything I work with local farms.

00:25:51.936 --> 00:25:55.576
<Samm Hutchison> And everything is hormone-free, stear-free, organically raised.

00:25:57.716 --> 00:25:58.356
<Samm Hutchison> Grass-fed.

00:25:58.976 --> 00:25:59.716
<Samm Hutchison> Grass-finished.

00:26:00.276 --> 00:26:05.336
<Samm Hutchison> Like, there's no gross stuff going in them.

00:26:05.356 --> 00:26:12.156
<Samm Hutchison> I actually do visit the farms because when we started, we worked with one and I didn't visit him.

00:26:12.176 --> 00:26:17.216
<Samm Hutchison> I trusted him and found out that he didn't even have any animals on his farm.

00:26:18.036 --> 00:26:18.496
<Samm Hutchison> Oh, no.

00:26:18.516 --> 00:26:22.676
<Samm Hutchison> So, because I kept saying, oh, I'm going to come out and visit the farm.

00:26:22.696 --> 00:26:23.316
<Samm Hutchison> I'm going to come out.

00:26:23.336 --> 00:26:24.576
<Samm Hutchison> And he was like, no, you can't.

00:26:24.596 --> 00:26:26.736
<Samm Hutchison> And I was like, what are you hiding?

00:26:27.096 --> 00:26:27.956
<Samm Hutchison> So I drove by.

00:26:29.336 --> 00:26:30.676
<Samm Hutchison> Not one animal in that farm.

00:26:32.436 --> 00:26:33.856
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Oh, my goodness.

00:26:33.876 --> 00:26:38.976
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So for those who are watching and don't know what grass finished means, can you give us a quick lesson?

00:26:39.756 --> 00:26:41.376
<Samm Hutchison> They never get any of the crap.

00:26:41.516 --> 00:26:45.476
<Samm Hutchison> Like, it is grass fed, like, from beginning to end.

00:26:46.076 --> 00:26:51.356
<Samm Hutchison> So there's never any of the crappy grains, never any of the chemically…

00:26:51.596 --> 00:26:52.076
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah.

00:26:52.276 --> 00:26:54.396
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They don't fatten them up at the end, right?

00:26:54.416 --> 00:26:57.436
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They don't fatten them up with the soy and the corn at the end.

00:26:57.576 --> 00:26:58.116
<Samm Hutchison> Yes.

00:26:58.276 --> 00:26:59.076
<Samm Hutchison> There's none of…

00:26:59.136 --> 00:27:04.176
<Samm Hutchison> They don't ever get any of the gross stuff that they shouldn't be eating anyway.

00:27:04.776 --> 00:27:05.756
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yeah, exactly.

00:27:05.816 --> 00:27:06.296
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Exactly.

00:27:06.696 --> 00:27:19.896
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So, you recently won an award, and I would like to toast to you and your success, but what was the award or what was it that happened to you that recently that you were celebrating with as a governor?

00:27:23.696 --> 00:27:59.176
<Samm Hutchison> Yes, I was inducted to the 2023 class of Illinois Made, which is– I didn't even know that Discover Purea had submitted my name and my business to the state of Illinois for this, and it's only businesses that are completely made in Illinois sourced everything, which we have farms here, we have farms outside of Illinois, you know, but we're sourced, we are made, like, right here in our shop, it's actually in East Purea, it's right across the river from my house.

00:27:59.196 --> 00:28:06.656
<Samm Hutchison> So I got to go up to Chicago, my friend Cassie and I went up and got to meet the governor.

00:28:07.656 --> 00:28:16.936
<Samm Hutchison> They actually just did a news piece on a Monday, too, because Illinois Made has a holiday gift guide, and so I just found it today.

00:28:18.636 --> 00:28:20.276
<Samm Hutchison> So that was up in Chicago.

00:28:21.816 --> 00:28:30.736
<Samm Hutchison> The governor said that his family dog, which his daughter now owns, has food allergies, so he's going to send some of our treats to her.

00:28:33.816 --> 00:28:34.916
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That is so good.

00:28:34.936 --> 00:28:36.076
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Congratulations.

00:28:36.116 --> 00:28:37.076
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well deserved.

00:28:37.096 --> 00:28:40.936
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'm not surprised, but I'm very happy that you got the recognition you deserve.

00:28:42.016 --> 00:28:54.016
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> What is, okay, obviously you're going to be working a lot this Christmas because if you just got on the news and it made that guide, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of freeze drying equipment being used for the next few weeks.

00:28:54.796 --> 00:28:59.236
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> After the holiday rush, what's next for Bear's Bites?

00:28:59.256 --> 00:29:03.416
<Samm Hutchison> So I can't tell you exactly what's happening in January.

00:29:07.616 --> 00:29:14.056
<Samm Hutchison> But a friend in the industry has reached out to co-produce a product.

00:29:15.416 --> 00:29:23.436
<Samm Hutchison> We're probably going to involve, we're involving a couple of people in this because it's going to be pretty cool.

00:29:25.096 --> 00:29:30.276
<Samm Hutchison> So she's going to come down and we're going to work on some stuff in January.

00:29:30.296 --> 00:29:34.296
<Samm Hutchison> That's why I said I'm not sure I'll be able to even have time to take any classes in January.

00:29:34.316 --> 00:29:47.316
<Samm Hutchison> We're buying more equipment because that's one of my favorite things to do, is spend money and make our biggest investor, thank God, because I don't have extra.

00:29:47.356 --> 00:29:54.696
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, you'd need it if you're going to get so busy and you're about to make, so are you producing this new product, this collaboration?

00:29:55.456 --> 00:30:01.936
<Samm Hutchison> Yes, it will be made here in East Curia, Illinois at the Bear's Bites headquarters.

00:30:02.716 --> 00:30:05.356
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Are we in the headquarters right now?

00:30:05.696 --> 00:30:07.736
<Samm Hutchison> We are currently in the headquarters.

00:30:10.216 --> 00:30:12.516
<Samm Hutchison> We've got treats over here.

00:30:12.536 --> 00:30:15.076
<Samm Hutchison> We've got the Christmas tree behind us.

00:30:15.096 --> 00:30:17.916
<Samm Hutchison> We're on my desk, which is a hot mess right now.

00:30:19.036 --> 00:30:21.576
<Samm Hutchison> I have to bag the treats at my desk.

00:30:22.276 --> 00:30:24.676
<Samm Hutchison> So I've got things everywhere.

00:30:24.696 --> 00:30:29.676
<Samm Hutchison> My white boards with all my stuff.

00:30:29.876 --> 00:30:31.236
<Samm Hutchison> That's so cool.

00:30:31.256 --> 00:30:34.356
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> A sneak peek into where the magic is made.

00:30:34.736 --> 00:30:36.896
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So one question as a consumer.

00:30:36.916 --> 00:30:39.156
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I don't consume the products, but I buy them.

00:30:39.416 --> 00:30:42.696
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> How long, once we open the package, does the treat last?

00:30:42.716 --> 00:30:45.336
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And how long does it keep sealed?

00:30:46.196 --> 00:30:49.716
<Samm Hutchison> For dehydrated, you have a very, very, very long time.

00:30:49.816 --> 00:30:53.256
<Samm Hutchison> When I had them tested, I think it was around 23 to 25 years.

00:30:54.796 --> 00:30:57.576
<Samm Hutchison> Freeze drives, a lot less than that.

00:30:57.996 --> 00:31:00.296
<Samm Hutchison> I think it was tested between 3 and 5 years.

00:31:02.416 --> 00:31:05.616
<Samm Hutchison> All of our chews, I would say 2 months.

00:31:05.816 --> 00:31:06.876
<Samm Hutchison> Chews are different.

00:31:07.156 --> 00:31:08.956
<Samm Hutchison> They have fat.

00:31:08.976 --> 00:31:11.016
<Samm Hutchison> The pig's feet are going to have fat.

00:31:11.036 --> 00:31:13.536
<Samm Hutchison> The ears, chicken wings, stuff like that.

00:31:13.556 --> 00:31:15.976
<Samm Hutchison> I never suggest those go over 2 months.

00:31:16.416 --> 00:31:20.596
<Samm Hutchison> I have found them in my house that last longer than 2 months.

00:31:21.016 --> 00:31:24.876
<Samm Hutchison> They're still fine, but I don't suggest buying them.

00:31:28.356 --> 00:31:30.256
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I just want to know how much I can store.

00:31:30.276 --> 00:31:34.456
<Samm Hutchison> They're not going to stay in your house that long.

00:31:34.556 --> 00:31:38.296
<Samm Hutchison> Your cat is going to hunt out the chicken heart.

00:31:38.316 --> 00:31:40.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I'll tell you this about my cat wherever he is.

00:31:40.676 --> 00:31:42.376
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He's over here, Vango.

00:31:42.536 --> 00:31:44.016
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He doesn't even know his name.

00:31:44.036 --> 00:31:44.736
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I call him Kitten.

00:31:54.036 --> 00:31:56.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I gave one to Kira, who's a 50-pound dog.

00:31:56.676 --> 00:31:58.696
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Obviously, she crunches it up and asks for more.

00:31:58.796 --> 00:32:00.636
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> For him, I have to slice them up.

00:32:01.336 --> 00:32:03.296
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I call it his pate.

00:32:03.296 --> 00:32:03.796
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I don't know.

00:32:04.056 --> 00:32:04.636
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Do I have to?

00:32:05.416 --> 00:32:06.156
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> No.

00:32:06.176 --> 00:32:07.536
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> He should be able to go to town.

00:32:07.556 --> 00:32:12.336
<Samm Hutchison> My mom's old cat was a 5-pound calico towards the end.

00:32:12.356 --> 00:32:13.876
<Samm Hutchison> She was about 4 pounds.

00:32:14.336 --> 00:32:15.756
<Samm Hutchison> I gave them to her whole.

00:32:15.776 --> 00:32:18.676
<Samm Hutchison> There was a time where that's all she would eat.

00:32:18.676 --> 00:32:20.316
<Samm Hutchison> It was like 3 days straight.

00:32:20.356 --> 00:32:22.376
<Samm Hutchison> All she would eat was a chicken heart.

00:32:22.536 --> 00:32:24.756
<Samm Hutchison> We just can't do right.

00:32:24.776 --> 00:32:25.756
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That's good to know.

00:32:25.776 --> 00:32:28.756
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I did at one point overnight when he was waking me up.

00:32:28.776 --> 00:32:31.056
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I gave him a whole one and then I didn't see it the next day.

00:32:31.096 --> 00:32:33.576
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I thought maybe he had dropped it and Kira had stolen it.

00:32:33.996 --> 00:32:34.816
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> That's good to know.

00:32:35.436 --> 00:32:36.316
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They eat mice.

00:32:36.336 --> 00:32:39.016
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> In the wild, they would just be tearing apart a mouse.

00:32:39.116 --> 00:32:41.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They could easily do a freeze-dried chicken heart.

00:32:42.336 --> 00:32:49.156
<Samm Hutchison> What's funny about that is one of my customers was actually, she buys them for her dog and her cat, which I didn't know.

00:32:49.576 --> 00:32:51.136
<Samm Hutchison> And her cat's huge.

00:32:51.196 --> 00:32:53.036
<Samm Hutchison> It's like a ginormous cat.

00:32:53.056 --> 00:32:55.456
<Samm Hutchison> It's not like a Maine Coon, but it's still a big cat.

00:32:55.956 --> 00:32:58.456
<Samm Hutchison> And she's like, girl, my cat loves this chicken heart.

00:32:58.476 --> 00:33:01.116
<Samm Hutchison> And I was like, their mouths are like this big.

00:33:01.116 --> 00:33:02.856
<Samm Hutchison> Why are you giving her a chicken heart?

00:33:02.876 --> 00:33:05.576
<Samm Hutchison> And she's like, oh no, they just destroy them.

00:33:05.596 --> 00:33:06.156
<Samm Hutchison> I was like, oh.

00:33:07.256 --> 00:33:13.696
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I feel like it's like an enrichment toy and a treat and like a snack, like a hefty snack all in one.

00:33:13.756 --> 00:33:15.816
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I think it's a great product for both.

00:33:16.416 --> 00:33:17.756
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Yes, absolutely.

00:33:17.976 --> 00:33:21.396
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So tell me, how can my audience learn more about Bear's Bites?

00:33:21.416 --> 00:33:23.276
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Where can they buy them, et cetera, et cetera?

00:33:23.776 --> 00:33:26.836
<Samm Hutchison> You can buy them from me at

00:33:26.936 --> 00:33:30.656
<Samm Hutchison> You just hop online and order them, and I ship all over the United States.

00:33:30.756 --> 00:33:33.416
<Samm Hutchison> Right now we have the 12 days of Christmas going on.

00:33:33.436 --> 00:33:35.396
<Samm Hutchison> We are on day, what's the date today?

00:33:35.776 --> 00:33:36.556
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Six.

00:33:36.576 --> 00:33:40.416
<Samm Hutchison> Six of our sales, so we got six more days to go.

00:33:40.756 --> 00:33:42.196
<Samm Hutchison> The last day is going to be a good one.

00:33:42.536 --> 00:33:44.516
<Samm Hutchison> Let you know if you miss any of them.

00:33:46.216 --> 00:33:49.876
<Samm Hutchison> But yeah, so you can hop online, order it, we ship everywhere.

00:33:49.896 --> 00:33:52.216
<Samm Hutchison> We're updating our list of stores.

00:33:52.236 --> 00:34:03.476
<Samm Hutchison> We will be expanding our list of stores over the next year because I will be traveling, looking at more small, boutique-y type stores, groomers, daycare, stuff like that.

00:34:03.476 --> 00:34:15.056
<Samm Hutchison> I would rather work with the smaller businesses that care about their pet customers and their pet parents, and then go sit on the shelves at a baking store, where they don't know anything about the stuff.

00:34:15.696 --> 00:34:16.876
<Samm Hutchison> Yeah, for sure.

00:34:17.616 --> 00:34:20.096
<Samm Hutchison> Not that they don't care, it's just a different feel.

00:34:20.316 --> 00:34:22.516
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> It is, and you want a little education too, right?

00:34:22.536 --> 00:34:30.056
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Like, you know, if somebody is at a big store, let's say even if, like, no hate on Target or, like, Costco, we love them.

00:34:30.496 --> 00:34:39.056
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> But, like, there's nobody to tell you why this treat is special versus that treat, because in a small store, they'll tell you that there's taurine in the chicken hearts.

00:34:39.076 --> 00:34:46.276
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> They'll tell you that this is an Oregon meat and treat at the same time, which is more beneficial than something that is just flesh.

00:34:46.556 --> 00:34:54.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So, all those things that somebody would tell you in these little boutiques where they have a lot of training and education, they won't, they don't have the training at these big box stores.

00:34:54.956 --> 00:34:55.936
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> So, I totally hear that.

00:34:55.956 --> 00:35:02.916
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Well, I just want to propose a toast to you for being my guest, for sharing a drink with me, for being my friend, and wish you a happy Christmas.

00:35:02.916 --> 00:35:05.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Happy Christmas, happy holidays, and happy New Year.

00:35:06.296 --> 00:35:09.356
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I also want to propose a toast to my executive producer, Mark Winter.

00:35:09.376 --> 00:35:10.136
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Thank you, Mark.

00:35:10.456 --> 00:35:12.316
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Here is to you and your beautiful family.

00:35:12.336 --> 00:35:15.096
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your new grandchild.

00:35:15.396 --> 00:35:20.736
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And here's to my audience for checking in with me all of 2023 and during the holiday season.

00:35:20.756 --> 00:35:26.836
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> I hope you have a wonderful time with your family, friends, alone, with your pets, whatever floats your boat this time of year.

00:35:26.856 --> 00:35:30.616
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> Enjoy it, stay home, stay comfy, stay cozy, stay safe.

00:35:30.636 --> 00:35:34.496
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> And here's to a life covered in pet hair, because there's no better way to live.

00:35:35.936 --> 00:35:41.716
<Isabel Alvarez Arata> To learn more about Covered In Pet Hair, please visit or

00:35:44.736 --> 00:35:45.836
<Announcer> Let's Talk Pets.

00:35:46.196 --> 00:35:47.596
<Announcer> Every week on demand.

00:35:48.176 --> 00:35:50.796
<Announcer> Only on