One-on-one Interview with Deborah Cribbs Founder of Give Them Ten to Help Cats

Arden Moore on Pet Life Radio

Deborah Cribbs is leading a movement to make this a better world for cats by spaying and neutering community cats to control population. She teams up with an orange tabby named Scooter the Neutered Cat with her nonprofit group called Give Them Ten.  As she says, "While it's said cats have nine lives, we believe we can give them ten with spay.neuter."  This group has saved thousands of cats' lives.     

Listen to Episode #521 Now:

Scooter the Neutered Cat on Pet Life Radio

Scooter the Neutered Cat


Scooter the Neutered Cat™ took Greater Cincinnati and the nation by storm in 2013 with an edgy, irreverent and hilarious campaign that encouraged spay/neuter and feline education with the goal of creating a more cat-caring community. Nearly nine years later, Scooter the Neutered Cat’s™ initiatives have been an unequivocal success. The shelter live-release rate (percentage of cats that enter shelters and are released/adopted) was merely 37% for cats in Cincinnati when Scooter™ debuted. Today, that rate is more than 95%.

These tremendous results are thanks to several factors, people and organizations, including the leadership of Deborah Cribbs, a director of the Joanie Bernard Foundation and founder and leader of the Give Them Ten™ Movement — the parent organizations of Scooter the Neutered Cat™. Today, Cribbs considers herself “Scooter’s™ mother” and has committed herself to improving the (nine) lives of cats.



00:00:02.460 --> 00:00:03.700
Announcer: This is Pet Life Radio.

00:00:03.920 --> 00:00:05.080
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets.

00:00:09.760 --> 00:00:11.760
Announcer: It's Oh Behave with Arden Moore.

00:00:11.980 --> 00:00:15.100
Announcer: The show that teaches you how to have harmony in the household with your pets.

00:00:15.460 --> 00:00:20.980
Announcer: Join Arden as she travels coast to coast to help millions better understand why cats and dogs do what they do.

00:00:21.200 --> 00:00:23.180
Announcer: Get the latest scoop on Famous Faces.

00:00:23.300 --> 00:00:27.680
Announcer: Their perfectly pampered pets in Who's Walking Who in Rin Tin Tinseltown.

00:00:27.840 --> 00:00:34.400
Announcer: From famous pet experts and best selling authors to television and movie stars, you'll get the latest buzz from Wagging Tongues and Tails.

00:00:34.500 --> 00:00:38.440
Announcer: Garner great pet tips and have a doggone fur flying fun time.

00:00:38.580 --> 00:00:46.300
Announcer: So get ready for the pause and applause as we unleash your Oh Behave host, America's pet edutainer, Arden Moore.

00:00:48.320 --> 00:00:51.180
Arden Moore: Welcome to the Oh Behave show on Pet Life Radio.

00:00:51.400 --> 00:00:53.000
Arden Moore: I'm your host, Arden Moore.

00:00:53.360 --> 00:00:56.500
Arden Moore: You know, forget that saying, cats have nine lives.

00:00:56.900 --> 00:01:06.120
Arden Moore: You know, our special guest today, she is heading a movement that gives cats an extra life, a full life through spay and neuter.

00:01:06.700 --> 00:01:12.100
Arden Moore: At this time, please welcome to our show the founder of a phenomenal nonprofit group.

00:01:12.120 --> 00:01:14.480
Arden Moore: I love the name, Give Them Ten.

00:01:14.900 --> 00:01:16.940
Arden Moore: She is Deborah Cribbs.

00:01:17.220 --> 00:01:18.600
Arden Moore: Welcome to our show, Deborah.

00:01:18.860 --> 00:01:20.440
Deborah Cribbs: Well, thank you very much.

00:01:20.460 --> 00:01:22.200
Deborah Cribbs: I'm so happy to be here today.

00:01:22.460 --> 00:01:24.080
Arden Moore: Well, me, wow!

00:01:24.120 --> 00:01:30.180
Arden Moore: I mean, seriously, your organization is definitely pioneering a better world for cats.

00:01:30.760 --> 00:01:35.080
Arden Moore: And hey, you guys, we're gonna find out just how after we take this break.

00:01:35.100 --> 00:01:36.520
Arden Moore: So you all know the drill.

00:01:36.980 --> 00:01:39.540
Arden Moore: Sid, her, we'll be right back.

00:01:42.800 --> 00:01:45.700
Announcer: Time for a walk on the red carpet, of course.

00:01:46.060 --> 00:01:49.760
Announcer: Oh Behave will be back in a flash, right after these messages.

00:01:52.180 --> 00:01:53.360
Arden Moore: Paws up, Pet Pals.

00:01:53.440 --> 00:01:56.020
Arden Moore: Arden Moore here, your host of the Oh Behave Show.

00:01:56.140 --> 00:01:56.580
Arden Moore: Me-

00:01:56.780 --> 00:01:57.320
Arden Moore: Wow.

00:01:57.360 --> 00:02:03.680
Arden Moore: Did you know there's up to 100 million free roaming cats in the United States?

00:02:03.820 --> 00:02:08.260
Arden Moore: And without spay or neuter, that number is only gonna keep growing.

00:02:08.580 --> 00:02:15.440
Arden Moore: Not only does spay neuter humanely reduce the community cat population, it keeps cats healthy.

00:02:15.720 --> 00:02:22.400
Arden Moore: Scooter, the Neuter Cat, is on a mission to give cats an extra life by making it hip to be snipped.

00:02:22.700 --> 00:02:23.720
Arden Moore: Hey, check them out.

00:02:23.820 --> 00:02:27.120
Arden Moore: Go to

00:02:27.260 --> 00:02:34.400
Arden Moore: That's and help us make this a better world for cats.

00:02:42.440 --> 00:02:43.520
Mandy Moore: Hi, this is Mandy Moore.

00:02:43.540 --> 00:02:48.960
Mandy Moore: You're listening to Oh Behave on Pet Life Radio with your host, Arden Moore, who's now family.

00:02:48.980 --> 00:02:49.840
Mandy Moore: We figured that out.

00:02:52.840 --> 00:02:54.100
Announcer: We're back from the lot.

00:02:54.220 --> 00:02:58.720
Announcer: Just checked the paper and we had a record showing at the box, the letter box that is.

00:02:58.860 --> 00:03:00.720
Announcer: Now back to OVHave.

00:03:00.860 --> 00:03:01.540
Announcer: Here's Arden.

00:03:02.180 --> 00:03:05.100
Arden Moore: Welcome back to the OVHave Show on Pet Life Radio.

00:03:05.280 --> 00:03:06.980
Arden Moore: I'm your host, Arden Moore.

00:03:07.460 --> 00:03:20.760
Arden Moore: Since 2013, this group, I love the name, Give Them Ten, have done wonders for cats by keeping the population control, having them spayed and neutered.

00:03:21.020 --> 00:03:25.340
Arden Moore: Deborah Cribbs is the founder of Give Them Ten, but she can't do this alone.

00:03:25.540 --> 00:03:28.500
Arden Moore: Can you share this sidekick you have and who he is?

00:03:29.120 --> 00:03:29.920
Deborah Cribbs: Absolutely.

00:03:29.940 --> 00:03:30.980
Deborah Cribbs: Well, I did need help.

00:03:31.100 --> 00:03:31.960
Arden Moore: We all need help.

00:03:31.960 --> 00:03:32.820
Deborah Cribbs: We all need help.

00:03:32.840 --> 00:03:42.000
Deborah Cribbs: In about 2013, my team and I had the wonderful, wonderful benefit of having a pot full of money entrusted to us.

00:03:42.080 --> 00:03:43.660
Arden Moore: That's a pretty good situation.

00:03:43.680 --> 00:03:43.920
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:03:43.960 --> 00:03:44.400
Deborah Cribbs: It was.

00:03:44.540 --> 00:03:45.040
Deborah Cribbs: It was.

00:03:45.120 --> 00:03:49.120
Deborah Cribbs: For the sole purpose of taking care of cats in the Cincinnati area.

00:03:49.960 --> 00:03:53.160
Deborah Cribbs: We started looking around trying to understand, well, what's the problem?

00:03:53.440 --> 00:03:55.740
Deborah Cribbs: What's the problem with cats in the Cincinnati area?

00:03:55.860 --> 00:03:59.640
Deborah Cribbs: Well, the problem was there were too many cats being killed and sheltered.

00:03:59.860 --> 00:04:02.120
Deborah Cribbs: So we're business people during the day.

00:04:02.420 --> 00:04:04.420
Arden Moore: And tell us what your day job is.

00:04:04.560 --> 00:04:05.280
Deborah Cribbs: We're bankers.

00:04:05.300 --> 00:04:05.960
Deborah Cribbs: I'm a banker.

00:04:06.260 --> 00:04:13.440
Deborah Cribbs: I manage money for super rich people and that's how I was invested with this money, this pot of money, the private foundation.

00:04:13.760 --> 00:04:17.240
Deborah Cribbs: So we started looking at it like, this is a problem, we're bankers.

00:04:17.420 --> 00:04:18.760
Deborah Cribbs: So what's the problem?

00:04:18.780 --> 00:04:20.740
Deborah Cribbs: Cats are being killed in shelters, why?

00:04:20.900 --> 00:04:25.680
Deborah Cribbs: Well, there are too many of them and there aren't enough people to adopt them.

00:04:25.780 --> 00:04:26.280
Deborah Cribbs: Why?

00:04:26.300 --> 00:04:30.240
Deborah Cribbs: Well, it's a complicated question and there's a complicated answer.

00:04:30.600 --> 00:04:39.100
Deborah Cribbs: But as a smart business, mostly women, of course that we are, we looked at it, my team is almost 100% women.

00:04:39.280 --> 00:04:42.740
Deborah Cribbs: We looked at it and realized that, well, it's math problem.

00:04:43.040 --> 00:04:46.160
Deborah Cribbs: Too many cats in the shelter, not enough people adopting.

00:04:46.560 --> 00:04:52.420
Deborah Cribbs: It looked to us like the, wait for the pun, low hanging fruit was fey neuter.

00:04:52.480 --> 00:04:54.000
Deborah Cribbs: I can make tons of puns.

00:04:54.140 --> 00:04:55.880
Arden Moore: Oh, you're in my wheelhouse, girl.

00:04:55.900 --> 00:04:57.280
Deborah Cribbs: Fey neuter is my thing.

00:04:57.440 --> 00:05:19.260
Deborah Cribbs: So we decided, all right, if we're gonna solve the problem and not just keep putting band-aids on the problem, which appeared to us to be what people have been doing since about the 60s when the shelter system kind of got going in the United States, instead of just putting band-aids on it and wait for it chasing our tails, we decided to try to really solve the problem.

00:05:19.500 --> 00:05:20.120
Arden Moore: I like that.

00:05:20.220 --> 00:05:22.860
Deborah Cribbs: Queen in the Cincinnati area, let's see if we can solve the problem.

00:05:22.880 --> 00:05:24.300
Deborah Cribbs: And we had a lot of money to do it.

00:05:24.420 --> 00:05:29.640
Deborah Cribbs: So we decided half of the money goes on the ground in the shelter system.

00:05:29.880 --> 00:05:33.420
Deborah Cribbs: Let's put a lot of money into fey neuter, but how do you get people to do it?

00:05:33.760 --> 00:05:36.180
Deborah Cribbs: Let's talk to the public.

00:05:36.520 --> 00:05:38.700
Deborah Cribbs: Who's gonna talk to the public?

00:05:39.640 --> 00:05:41.460
Deborah Cribbs: That a neutered cat.

00:05:41.740 --> 00:05:44.360
Deborah Cribbs: Hipsicles, no testicles.

00:05:44.480 --> 00:05:45.880
Arden Moore: Wait a minute, we gotta say that again.

00:05:46.160 --> 00:05:50.160
Arden Moore: So your cat Scooter, say that again, cause that's a really cool line.

00:05:50.340 --> 00:05:53.140
Deborah Cribbs: Hipspectacles, no testicles.

00:05:53.440 --> 00:05:56.080
Arden Moore: You got your cat to wear shades, sunglasses.

00:05:56.420 --> 00:05:57.700
Deborah Cribbs: He does, he does.

00:05:57.700 --> 00:05:59.760
Deborah Cribbs: And I know your audience is like, what?

00:06:00.180 --> 00:06:04.760
Deborah Cribbs: Well, you can absolutely go to town looking at all of our work.

00:06:04.820 --> 00:06:10.000
Deborah Cribbs: We have a YouTube channel, you can follow us on Insta, Give Them Ten, look us up.

00:06:10.180 --> 00:06:15.660
Deborah Cribbs: We've got a very robust advertising campaign and it's really fun.

00:06:15.860 --> 00:06:20.980
Arden Moore: Well, I wanna ask you a little bit about the man, not the myth, the man, Scooter.

00:06:21.420 --> 00:06:22.660
Arden Moore: He is an orange tabby?

00:06:22.680 --> 00:06:24.080
Deborah Cribbs: Yes, he is.

00:06:24.100 --> 00:06:27.880
Deborah Cribbs: He is an orange striped tabby and he is a cat doctor.

00:06:28.080 --> 00:06:29.300
Arden Moore: How did you get together?

00:06:29.560 --> 00:06:31.920
Deborah Cribbs: Well, he's a doctor, he's a professional.

00:06:32.340 --> 00:06:43.300
Deborah Cribbs: He starred in some of our early work and that early work was filmed, oh gosh, circa, gosh, that was probably 2014, 2015 when we started and he's famous.

00:06:43.420 --> 00:06:45.120
Arden Moore: He is, I mean, how old is he now?

00:06:45.320 --> 00:06:46.200
Arden Moore: Is he 11?

00:06:46.420 --> 00:06:49.460
Deborah Cribbs: Oh gosh, he would have to be, yeah, yeah.

00:06:49.520 --> 00:06:50.520
Deborah Cribbs: He would have to be.

00:06:50.560 --> 00:06:53.940
Arden Moore: And off camera, what is Scooter's personality like?

00:06:55.060 --> 00:06:58.560
Deborah Cribbs: He's a nice boy and he has a whole other name.

00:06:58.720 --> 00:07:02.940
Deborah Cribbs: I mean, he literally is a cat actor and he's literally a professional.

00:07:03.040 --> 00:07:04.780
Arden Moore: Are you gonna share his home name?

00:07:04.900 --> 00:07:06.580
Deborah Cribbs: But his full name is Roscoe.

00:07:06.820 --> 00:07:07.840
Arden Moore: Oh, that's cool.

00:07:08.060 --> 00:07:19.100
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, yeah, I mean, he really is a cat actor and he does really good work, but he was our very first Scooter and he starred in our first set of ads and it was a lot of fun.

00:07:19.160 --> 00:07:23.400
Deborah Cribbs: And we talked to the public to try to convince them that spay neuter is the right thing to do.

00:07:23.600 --> 00:07:24.860
Arden Moore: Well, there's even a song.

00:07:24.880 --> 00:07:28.240
Arden Moore: I think it's, he's Scooter, he's neutered.

00:07:28.300 --> 00:07:31.060
Arden Moore: I'm doing a bad job of this, but don't worry.

00:07:31.060 --> 00:07:33.060
Arden Moore: I'm gonna quit my day job as a singer.

00:07:33.280 --> 00:07:37.360
Arden Moore: But I think you need a little levity, a little fun, right?

00:07:37.440 --> 00:07:40.320
Arden Moore: To get a good important message across.

00:07:40.500 --> 00:07:42.420
Arden Moore: And it sounds like that's what you do.

00:07:42.580 --> 00:07:47.920
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, we decided that there were so many ads out there that were tearjerkers.

00:07:48.340 --> 00:07:52.440
Deborah Cribbs: And I mean, yeah, that's a way to capture attention, right?

00:07:52.700 --> 00:07:53.140
Arden Moore: Yes.

00:07:53.300 --> 00:08:01.140
Deborah Cribbs: We decided to be funny and edgy and irreverent and just this side of raunchy almost.

00:08:01.220 --> 00:08:05.240
Deborah Cribbs: We were trying to push the limit of, actually we were beat.

00:08:05.580 --> 00:08:08.440
Deborah Cribbs: Indianapolis didn't like our ads, as I recall.

00:08:08.680 --> 00:08:11.240
Arden Moore: You know, Indiana No Place has no sense of humor.

00:08:11.260 --> 00:08:13.380
Arden Moore: I'm from Indiana, so I can say that, okay.

00:08:13.620 --> 00:08:16.720
Deborah Cribbs: I recall one of our early ads, there was a beat.

00:08:16.780 --> 00:08:20.340
Deborah Cribbs: So we've gotten a little bit better at language since then.

00:08:20.360 --> 00:08:22.860
Arden Moore: Well, and I wanna make sure people understand this.

00:08:23.140 --> 00:08:27.300
Arden Moore: It is called Give Them Ten, T-E-N dot org.

00:08:27.900 --> 00:08:30.120
Arden Moore: And there is an important foundation.

00:08:30.140 --> 00:08:35.400
Arden Moore: You wanna do a shout out because they're the ones financially helping this mission.

00:08:35.620 --> 00:08:38.760
Arden Moore: So who the heck is Joni Bernard, the foundation?

00:08:38.840 --> 00:08:44.460
Deborah Cribbs: Well, that's my team and I work under the name of the foundation, the Joni Bernard Foundation.

00:08:44.480 --> 00:08:50.300
Deborah Cribbs: We run that foundation and our ad campaign and Scooter works for the ad campaign.

00:08:50.320 --> 00:08:51.300
Arden Moore: Of course he does.

00:08:51.540 --> 00:08:52.320
Deborah Cribbs: Right, right.

00:08:52.340 --> 00:08:56.140
Deborah Cribbs: Scooter is our cat mascot, if you will, and our partner.

00:08:56.360 --> 00:09:00.460
Deborah Cribbs: But Give Them Ten, we think explains what we're trying to do.

00:09:00.640 --> 00:09:06.020
Arden Moore: And talk about it, because the play on words, cats have nine lives, but what made you pick the name Give Them Ten?

00:09:06.140 --> 00:09:07.820
Deborah Cribbs: We just thought it was clever.

00:09:07.940 --> 00:09:16.840
Deborah Cribbs: We're trying to capture attention so that people will listen to us say, there are cats dying in shelters down the street from you, what can you do about it?

00:09:17.160 --> 00:09:20.100
Deborah Cribbs: Well, if you're feeding an outside cat, get them fixed.

00:09:20.480 --> 00:09:21.240
Arden Moore: There you go.

00:09:21.560 --> 00:09:24.280
Arden Moore: There's some amazing statistics out there.

00:09:24.780 --> 00:09:37.040
Arden Moore: Cats are not shy, wah wah wah wah, when it comes to mating and dating, can you share some startling stats about if you don't nip them, snip them, you could really have a lot of cats.

00:09:37.380 --> 00:09:38.440
Deborah Cribbs: Oh, it's hundreds.

00:09:38.980 --> 00:09:45.940
Deborah Cribbs: One female cat, I mean, within five or six years, there can be hundreds of kittens born.

00:09:47.080 --> 00:09:51.100
Deborah Cribbs: If she has five kittens, then those kittens have five kittens each.

00:09:51.340 --> 00:09:56.000
Deborah Cribbs: Within a few years, you're talking about hundreds of cats coming from that one.

00:09:56.140 --> 00:10:11.840
Deborah Cribbs: And honestly, Arden, the point that I think might even be more important, and this might be a little bit counterintuitive to people, if you are that nice person in the neighborhood who likes cats and starts feeding the outside cat, I love that.

00:10:12.340 --> 00:10:17.480
Deborah Cribbs: That cat is healthy, happy, probably eating a buffet along the neighborhood, right?

00:10:17.500 --> 00:10:17.980
Arden Moore: Oh yeah.

00:10:18.320 --> 00:10:26.600
Deborah Cribbs: But not fixed, if you don't fix that cat and she's healthy, what you actually have done is help her in her work.

00:10:26.820 --> 00:10:32.940
Arden Moore: Yeah, I understand cats can have like, a female can have three litters a year, holy kitten.

00:10:33.100 --> 00:10:40.640
Deborah Cribbs: And more holy kittens, a healthy cat can have, depending on the climate, more kittens and more offsets.

00:10:40.780 --> 00:10:43.740
Deborah Cribbs: So by feeding the cat, yes, you're nice.

00:10:44.000 --> 00:10:47.000
Deborah Cribbs: And yes, it's nice, I want to highlight that.

00:10:47.100 --> 00:10:55.340
Deborah Cribbs: But by making her healthier and stronger, you're actually participating and making the problem worse because she's having more kittens.

00:10:55.600 --> 00:11:12.700
Arden Moore: Well, talk about a little bit about trapped neuter release because in our neighborhood, we live in Dallas and we have a bunch of cats and we do our best to get them trapped, neutered and returned because we don't want a zillion cats in our neighborhood.

00:11:12.860 --> 00:11:14.720
Arden Moore: So what's the importance of that?

00:11:14.740 --> 00:11:22.300
Arden Moore: I mean, I can see the person wanting to feed the cat and give them water certainly, but you're saying, hey guys, let's take it a step further, right?

00:11:22.640 --> 00:11:24.280
Deborah Cribbs: Absolutely, absolutely.

00:11:24.320 --> 00:11:28.460
Deborah Cribbs: The language that we like to use now is that these are community cats.

00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:29.940
Deborah Cribbs: They live in your community.

00:11:30.240 --> 00:11:33.160
Deborah Cribbs: They're happy, they're healthy, they're thriving.

00:11:33.440 --> 00:11:49.560
Deborah Cribbs: You look at a cat, the cat has weight, the cat is either friendly or not friendly, but if the cat is outside and thriving, what I would ask people to do is find a way to trap the cat and your local shelter, our website gives you tips on how to do that.

00:11:49.720 --> 00:11:51.060
Deborah Cribbs: And it's kind of fun.

00:11:51.260 --> 00:11:53.240
Arden Moore: And that's important, yeah, yeah.

00:11:53.260 --> 00:11:55.020
Deborah Cribbs: It becomes a community project.

00:11:55.040 --> 00:12:11.920
Deborah Cribbs: So trap the cats one or two at a time, take them to your local high volume, like in Dallas and Cincinnati, we've got a couple, high volume spay neuter center, get the cats fixed, release them right back where you found them, exactly where you found them.

00:12:11.940 --> 00:12:15.640
Deborah Cribbs: So they go back and they don't continue to multiply.

00:12:16.100 --> 00:12:17.120
Deborah Cribbs: That's key.

00:12:17.360 --> 00:12:18.820
Deborah Cribbs: They're fine where they are.

00:12:18.940 --> 00:12:23.020
Deborah Cribbs: If you need to educate the neighborhood, hey, the cat's fixed.

00:12:23.400 --> 00:12:25.040
Deborah Cribbs: The cat's not gonna do any more harm.

00:12:25.060 --> 00:12:26.500
Arden Moore: And they got the left ear tipped.

00:12:26.860 --> 00:12:29.120
Deborah Cribbs: Yes, exactly, exactly.

00:12:29.380 --> 00:12:33.860
Arden Moore: Well, I wanna tell you, Deborah, we're talking with Deborah Cribbs from Give Them Ten.

00:12:34.360 --> 00:12:39.900
Arden Moore: In my home, I got married, so we have a furry Brady bunch and we have two dogs and four cats.

00:12:39.920 --> 00:12:47.580
Arden Moore: And one of our cats is a former community cat named Mikey, and he just celebrated his 20th birthday.

00:12:47.880 --> 00:12:48.440
Deborah Cribbs: Well.

00:12:48.800 --> 00:12:51.020
Arden Moore: And my vet, I embarrassed her, Dr.

00:12:51.040 --> 00:12:59.600
Arden Moore: Deborah Charles, by having on my TikTok and Facebook, have her sing Happy Birthday to Mikey during his annual exam.

00:12:59.960 --> 00:13:07.760
Arden Moore: And probably you say it because he was a very sweet boy and we brought him in and he really says, I'm an indoor cat now, thank you.

00:13:08.160 --> 00:13:20.220
Deborah Cribbs: I have with me Grigio, who was in my colony with an eartup and he used to live outside and now he is on floor right now.

00:13:20.240 --> 00:13:22.680
Deborah Cribbs: But with an eartup, yes.

00:13:22.740 --> 00:13:27.500
Arden Moore: Yeah, you know, sometimes they're abandoned, you know, people move and whatever.

00:13:27.520 --> 00:13:30.040
Arden Moore: I don't wanna get into that, that just irks me.

00:13:30.400 --> 00:13:33.720
Arden Moore: But the point is, I think a cat makes you a better human.

00:13:33.900 --> 00:13:35.600
Arden Moore: A dog can make you a better human.

00:13:35.860 --> 00:13:45.940
Arden Moore: But as you know, with cats, I've learned that with a lot of, I've worked with a lot of leading veterinarians and behaviorists, with cats, you never force, you always negotiate.

00:13:46.160 --> 00:13:51.400
Arden Moore: So with the traps and all that, you're saying, hey, everybody, get with your local people.

00:13:51.420 --> 00:14:00.140
Arden Moore: They'll give you tips on how to use these traps that you can borrow and do it in a way that then the cats can be part of the community and not be populating.

00:14:00.340 --> 00:14:04.040
Deborah Cribbs: Well, right, I feel like as humans, we cause this problem.

00:14:04.340 --> 00:14:04.680
Arden Moore: Yeah.

00:14:04.840 --> 00:14:06.180
Deborah Cribbs: We cause this problem.

00:14:06.460 --> 00:14:11.420
Deborah Cribbs: There are dog problems we caused as well, but I'm here speaking for cats now.

00:14:12.020 --> 00:14:13.220
Deborah Cribbs: We cause the problem.

00:14:13.240 --> 00:14:15.280
Deborah Cribbs: I feel like you said it perfectly, Arden.

00:14:15.540 --> 00:14:17.080
Deborah Cribbs: Let's take another step.

00:14:17.240 --> 00:14:21.960
Deborah Cribbs: Yes, we keep the outside cats, but in a way we're making it worse when we do that.

00:14:21.980 --> 00:14:24.360
Deborah Cribbs: So let's take the next step, fix them.

00:14:24.540 --> 00:14:25.740
Deborah Cribbs: That's it, just fix them.

00:14:26.020 --> 00:14:29.060
Arden Moore: So you started in Cincinnati, go Reds.

00:14:29.120 --> 00:14:29.640
Deborah Cribbs: Thank you.

00:14:29.660 --> 00:14:30.780
Arden Moore: You are broadening.

00:14:30.800 --> 00:14:33.400
Arden Moore: So tell us what's happening with Give Them Ten.

00:14:33.600 --> 00:14:36.460
Arden Moore: You're based in Cincinnati, but your work is beyond.

00:14:36.760 --> 00:14:37.300
Deborah Cribbs: It is.

00:14:37.540 --> 00:14:43.000
Deborah Cribbs: You know, we realized that, I mean, we've succeeded by any measure here in Cincinnati.

00:14:43.020 --> 00:14:45.460
Deborah Cribbs: It's not perfect, but things have gone really well.

00:14:45.480 --> 00:14:50.540
Deborah Cribbs: We've got really great people working locally and our live release rate has remained very stable for a while now.

00:14:50.720 --> 00:14:59.280
Deborah Cribbs: And we've realized that we've had the great fortune of putting all of this money into these great advertising campaigns starring Scooter the Neutered Cat.

00:14:59.460 --> 00:15:04.820
Deborah Cribbs: What we've started to do in the last year is take our show on the road and around the country.

00:15:05.120 --> 00:15:12.100
Deborah Cribbs: We are offering our ad campaign for almost nothing to any shelter system that qualifies.

00:15:12.440 --> 00:15:19.400
Deborah Cribbs: We'll let people use our campaign in their area, again, for almost nothing.

00:15:19.420 --> 00:15:24.200
Deborah Cribbs: They can have Scooter live with them in Dallas.

00:15:24.360 --> 00:15:28.140
Deborah Cribbs: Right now we're in Iowa, we're in Georgia, we're in Hawaii.

00:15:28.400 --> 00:15:30.180
Deborah Cribbs: Scooter can live in your community.

00:15:30.540 --> 00:15:33.240
Arden Moore: And you have a big Scooter mascot.

00:15:33.360 --> 00:15:34.100
Deborah Cribbs: We do.

00:15:34.280 --> 00:15:40.200
Arden Moore: I don't know if that individual wearing the costume has been neutered or not, but he is there, or she.

00:15:40.220 --> 00:15:44.200
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, many, many, many people have donned that costume.

00:15:44.300 --> 00:15:48.260
Deborah Cribbs: It's super hot, untold, I've never had the good pleasure of wearing it.

00:15:48.360 --> 00:15:52.140
Deborah Cribbs: But yeah, we're offering it to shelter systems around the country.

00:15:52.340 --> 00:15:54.280
Deborah Cribbs: We've put so much money into it.

00:15:54.300 --> 00:15:59.700
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, we've been so fortunate to be able to, we wanna share it and we want Scooter to live in other cities.

00:16:00.360 --> 00:16:03.900
Deborah Cribbs: And as fiduciaries for this money, we wanna leverage it.

00:16:04.000 --> 00:16:06.760
Deborah Cribbs: We want Scooter's voice to be heard far and wide.

00:16:06.920 --> 00:16:08.940
Deborah Cribbs: That's Bayneuter is the way to go.

00:16:09.200 --> 00:16:10.500
Arden Moore: Let's give some examples.

00:16:10.860 --> 00:16:15.280
Arden Moore: My in-laws live in Bettendorf and Muscatine, Iowa.

00:16:15.380 --> 00:16:18.860
Arden Moore: And Muscatine, Iowa is on the Mississippi River, everybody.

00:16:19.140 --> 00:16:24.980
Arden Moore: And it was known for the Pearls or something, there was shells, but your team, give them 10.

00:16:25.360 --> 00:16:28.020
Arden Moore: What did you do in Muscatine, Iowa?

00:16:28.620 --> 00:16:29.740
Arden Moore: It's right on the line.

00:16:29.880 --> 00:16:30.500
Arden Moore: We did.

00:16:30.520 --> 00:16:32.260
Deborah Cribbs: We went into Muscatine.

00:16:32.380 --> 00:16:36.740
Deborah Cribbs: We went into a very good shelter system there called It Takes the Village.

00:16:36.940 --> 00:16:39.720
Deborah Cribbs: And we're working with that shelter.

00:16:40.360 --> 00:16:44.700
Deborah Cribbs: And we've done all kinds of advertising along with them.

00:16:44.720 --> 00:16:47.900
Deborah Cribbs: I mean, it's the shelter that's doing the advertising.

00:16:47.920 --> 00:16:52.360
Deborah Cribbs: We're helping them and we're giving them our materials essentially.

00:16:52.480 --> 00:16:54.080
Deborah Cribbs: But they were kind of our first.

00:16:54.280 --> 00:16:56.060
Arden Moore: Yeah, what'd you think of that area?

00:16:56.240 --> 00:16:57.560
Arden Moore: That's pretty nice, isn't it?

00:16:57.680 --> 00:16:58.320
Arden Moore: It's beautiful there.

00:16:58.340 --> 00:16:58.980
Deborah Cribbs: My team loves it.

00:16:59.160 --> 00:17:00.400
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, my team loves it.

00:17:00.420 --> 00:17:04.880
Deborah Cribbs: And they say that they're just super good people and all they wanna do is help cats.

00:17:05.040 --> 00:17:06.280
Deborah Cribbs: So we're thrilled with that.

00:17:06.620 --> 00:17:09.160
Arden Moore: Now you went to Georgia to do a luau?

00:17:11.020 --> 00:17:11.980
Arden Moore: Did I miss that?

00:17:12.320 --> 00:17:16.000
Deborah Cribbs: We just brought on a shelter system in Georgia.

00:17:17.060 --> 00:17:21.320
Deborah Cribbs: And we have also been working with a shelter system in Kauai.

00:17:21.440 --> 00:17:24.480
Deborah Cribbs: Now, none of my team has gone to Kauai.

00:17:24.700 --> 00:17:28.420
Arden Moore: I had a timeshare there back when it was really dumb to have a timeshare.

00:17:28.440 --> 00:17:30.260
Arden Moore: Yeah, I had a timeshare in Kauai.

00:17:30.280 --> 00:17:31.960
Arden Moore: That's a great island, yeah.

00:17:32.140 --> 00:17:34.040
Deborah Cribbs: There are some moves to jump through.

00:17:34.260 --> 00:17:36.080
Deborah Cribbs: We do want people to qualify.

00:17:36.100 --> 00:17:44.780
Deborah Cribbs: They have to be a certain kind of system, big enough to be able to use our materials properly, but we're really happy to share what we've done.

00:17:45.120 --> 00:17:46.660
Arden Moore: So you had a meow luau.

00:17:47.920 --> 00:17:49.280
Arden Moore: That's clever, that's clever.

00:17:49.300 --> 00:17:49.920
Arden Moore: That is good.

00:17:50.460 --> 00:17:53.480
Arden Moore: So your background, you're in the banking industry.

00:17:53.980 --> 00:17:55.860
Arden Moore: You like money, you know how to handle money.

00:17:55.880 --> 00:18:01.860
Arden Moore: How did the Deborah Cribbs go from a banker to cat advocate extraordinaire?

00:18:02.100 --> 00:18:03.100
Arden Moore: What did it for you?

00:18:03.260 --> 00:18:05.760
Deborah Cribbs: I'm still a banker, that's still my day job.

00:18:06.020 --> 00:18:10.600
Deborah Cribbs: Like I said, I manage money for rich people, frankly.

00:18:10.820 --> 00:18:13.520
Arden Moore: Well, everybody needs help, whether you're rich or poor.

00:18:13.540 --> 00:18:14.860
Arden Moore: I mean, seriously, you know.

00:18:15.040 --> 00:18:16.180
Deborah Cribbs: Everybody needs help.

00:18:16.200 --> 00:18:17.480
Deborah Cribbs: I mean, that's what I do.

00:18:17.620 --> 00:18:23.600
Deborah Cribbs: And one of my clients who loved cats left all of her money to a private foundation.

00:18:23.900 --> 00:18:28.280
Deborah Cribbs: And the private foundation was only for the benefit of Pat.

00:18:28.520 --> 00:18:29.980
Arden Moore: And that's rare.

00:18:30.000 --> 00:18:35.060
Deborah Cribbs: The honor of managing it on her behalf and on behalf of the bank I work for.

00:18:35.080 --> 00:18:38.440
Arden Moore: So did you grow up with cats and dogs or critters?

00:18:38.460 --> 00:18:39.680
Arden Moore: Are you from Ohio?

00:18:39.800 --> 00:18:41.800
Deborah Cribbs: Well, Texas and Ohio both.

00:18:41.820 --> 00:18:42.200
Arden Moore: Oh, really?

00:18:42.240 --> 00:18:43.240
Arden Moore: What part of Texas?

00:18:43.580 --> 00:18:47.080
Deborah Cribbs: I was born in Houston, but I was raised in the Cincinnati area.

00:18:47.160 --> 00:18:55.460
Deborah Cribbs: And yeah, we had that, let's see, butterfly and sunflower where our kitty cats growing up and then Ivan Doxen.

00:18:55.660 --> 00:18:59.860
Arden Moore: Now, this is silly because we're talking spay and neuter, nip and snip.

00:18:59.860 --> 00:19:05.480
Arden Moore: I jokingly say if you lift up a kitty's tail, you can tell from the back end, they're all from the state of Ohio.

00:19:05.640 --> 00:19:06.600
Deborah Cribbs: Okay, that's funny.

00:19:07.200 --> 00:19:08.980
Arden Moore: You can use that in your stuff, okay?

00:19:09.000 --> 00:19:09.580
Deborah Cribbs: That's funny.

00:19:10.600 --> 00:19:11.800
Deborah Cribbs: That's only nonsense.

00:19:11.820 --> 00:19:12.500
Deborah Cribbs: That's cute.

00:19:13.060 --> 00:19:14.160
Deborah Cribbs: That's really cute.

00:19:14.440 --> 00:19:15.900
Arden Moore: What do cats do for you?

00:19:15.900 --> 00:19:25.260
Arden Moore: How do cats like Scooter, AKA really Roscoe and others, how do they make you, Deborah Cribbs, a better human?

00:19:25.620 --> 00:19:37.780
Deborah Cribbs: I think that for me personally, I think that caring for any sentient being that needs me makes me a better person.

00:19:38.000 --> 00:19:41.400
Deborah Cribbs: Like Grigio here in the room with me, he needs me.

00:19:41.580 --> 00:19:43.580
Deborah Cribbs: My husband and I live in a condo now.

00:19:43.600 --> 00:19:45.720
Deborah Cribbs: Grigio is no longer outside.

00:19:45.740 --> 00:19:46.480
Deborah Cribbs: He needs me.

00:19:46.860 --> 00:19:51.080
Deborah Cribbs: I am a better human being because I care for him.

00:19:51.380 --> 00:19:53.980
Deborah Cribbs: And then Yasmina who's behind the baby gate.

00:19:54.100 --> 00:19:56.840
Deborah Cribbs: This is the life that we live in a condo now.

00:19:57.020 --> 00:20:01.440
Arden Moore: What's some fun you like to do with Grigio or what's a bonding moment that you're like, ah?

00:20:01.620 --> 00:20:03.280
Deborah Cribbs: He likes our big TV.

00:20:03.300 --> 00:20:06.340
Deborah Cribbs: Grigio the outside cat has discovered television.

00:20:06.540 --> 00:20:07.340
Arden Moore: Oh, really?

00:20:07.360 --> 00:20:10.100
Deborah Cribbs: I watch like cop shows.

00:20:10.340 --> 00:20:15.760
Deborah Cribbs: He doesn't really like the, you know, the big noises, but he does like when the cars move around.

00:20:15.780 --> 00:20:16.880
Arden Moore: Oh, that's hilarious.

00:20:17.080 --> 00:20:19.120
Deborah Cribbs: Yeah, yeah, he likes the movement.

00:20:19.400 --> 00:20:26.460
Deborah Cribbs: I would say, I'm wondering if you agree with this, I will judge people based on their feelings toward animals.

00:20:26.680 --> 00:20:27.540
Arden Moore: Yeah, well.

00:20:27.780 --> 00:20:32.240
Deborah Cribbs: If you're an animal person, I immediately think better of you as a human.

00:20:32.340 --> 00:20:36.920
Deborah Cribbs: People who care for animals probably get my vote as human beings.

00:20:37.280 --> 00:20:47.640
Arden Moore: Well, I agree, I've always had dogs and cats and don't ever make me choose which one because they both have traits that make me, hopefully, a better human.

00:20:48.100 --> 00:21:11.020
Arden Moore: I was an investigative newspaper reporter for 20 years and now I'm in the pet industry and my give back is, I'm so blessed that my dog Kona, a terrier mix, and my orange tabby Casey are both therapy pets and they get to do visits, but I also team up with them to teach veterinary approved pet first aid all over the world on Zoom and in person.

00:21:11.700 --> 00:21:15.200
Arden Moore: And I just, I can't believe I get to do this for a living.

00:21:15.640 --> 00:21:28.900
Arden Moore: And it sounds like for you, you love your banking industry, that is your wheelhouse, but you got blessed to be able to have this avocation that's really an advocating, you're advocating, you know?

00:21:29.220 --> 00:21:30.240
Arden Moore: Oh, did I do that right?

00:21:30.260 --> 00:21:31.120
Arden Moore: I hope so, okay.

00:21:31.260 --> 00:21:31.900
Deborah Cribbs: How do we rock?

00:21:31.960 --> 00:21:33.280
Deborah Cribbs: This is my life's work.

00:21:33.300 --> 00:21:39.620
Deborah Cribbs: Sure, and in my day job, I actually get to help people educate their children and retire well.

00:21:39.800 --> 00:21:49.240
Deborah Cribbs: There's nothing wrong with that and I'm proud of the work that I do, but I encourage this rich woman to make a private foundation and she died young.

00:21:49.620 --> 00:21:59.840
Deborah Cribbs: And now my team and I get to do this work that actually has made a huge difference in our little part of the world for these sentient beings, these cats.

00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:01.960
Deborah Cribbs: Boy, are they lucky they're in Cincinnati.

00:22:02.320 --> 00:22:03.260
Arden Moore: I love Cincinnati.

00:22:03.600 --> 00:22:07.580
Arden Moore: Hey, I really want people to know we're speaking with Deborah Cribbs.

00:22:07.920 --> 00:22:10.060
Arden Moore: She is the founder of Give Them Ten.

00:22:10.080 --> 00:22:10.960
Arden Moore: It's T-E-N.

00:22:11.040 --> 00:22:15.400
Arden Moore: Can you tell people the best way to find out more because they want to participate?

00:22:15.640 --> 00:22:16.580
Deborah Cribbs: Absolutely.

00:22:16.600 --> 00:22:20.920
Deborah Cribbs: Check out our website, and our YouTube channel.

00:22:20.920 --> 00:22:24.040
Deborah Cribbs: Just Google Scooter the Neutered Cat.

00:22:24.280 --> 00:22:25.960
Arden Moore: As it is hip to be snipped.

00:22:26.420 --> 00:22:29.380
Arden Moore: Well, Deborah, I have so enjoyed having you on the show.

00:22:29.460 --> 00:22:32.320
Arden Moore: You survived an episode of The Old Behave Show.

00:22:32.340 --> 00:22:33.780
Arden Moore: You okay about that?

00:22:33.860 --> 00:22:34.380
Arden Moore: You're good?

00:22:34.680 --> 00:22:35.480
Deborah Cribbs: Thank you.

00:22:35.940 --> 00:22:41.880
Arden Moore: And also at this time, I want to give a pause up to my producer, Mark Winter.

00:22:42.160 --> 00:22:45.080
Arden Moore: He is the executive producer of Pet Life Radio.

00:22:45.100 --> 00:22:48.380
Arden Moore: We are the largest radio network on pets on the planet.

00:22:48.480 --> 00:22:50.880
Arden Moore: I think we're going to do a satellite on the moon someday.

00:22:51.300 --> 00:22:51.960
Arden Moore: It's happening.

00:22:52.280 --> 00:22:54.160
Arden Moore: It's being worked, just teasing.

00:22:54.420 --> 00:22:55.880
Arden Moore: This is kind of cool, everyone.

00:22:56.280 --> 00:22:59.960
Arden Moore: The Oh Behave Show is the longest running pet podcast on the planet.

00:22:59.960 --> 00:23:02.300
Arden Moore: We've been on the air since 07.

00:23:02.580 --> 00:23:05.440
Arden Moore: And the late great Betty White has been one of our guests.

00:23:05.460 --> 00:23:12.300
Arden Moore: We've had a lot of celebrities and we've had special people doing special things for dogs and cats, including today's guest.

00:23:12.320 --> 00:23:15.860
Arden Moore: And she is Deborah Cribbs from Give Them Ten.

00:23:16.240 --> 00:23:18.220
Arden Moore: So check me out on YouTube.

00:23:18.220 --> 00:23:18.740
Arden Moore: It's easy.

00:23:18.760 --> 00:23:20.820
Arden Moore: It's my God given name, Arden Moore.

00:23:20.840 --> 00:23:21.920
Arden Moore: That's my real name.

00:23:22.340 --> 00:23:23.980
Arden Moore: And sign up for my newsletter.

00:23:24.060 --> 00:23:29.900
Arden Moore: And also, if you want to learn about Pet First Aid, check me out at Pet First Aid For You.

00:23:30.100 --> 00:23:36.260
Arden Moore: I team up with Kona and Casey, my cat and dog, and we help save lives.

00:23:36.680 --> 00:23:45.780
Arden Moore: So until next time, this is your flea free host, Arden Moore, delivering just two words to all you two, three, and four-leggers out there.

00:23:45.800 --> 00:23:46.920
Arden Moore: Oh behave.

00:23:47.720 --> 00:23:51.980
Announcer: Coast to coast and around the world, it's Oh Behave with Arden Moore.

00:23:52.060 --> 00:23:59.320
Announcer: Find out why cats and dogs do the things they do and get the latest buzz from wagging tongues and tails in Rin Tin Tinseltown.

00:23:59.760 --> 00:24:07.660
Announcer: From famous pet experts and bestselling authors to television and movie stars, you'll get great tail wagging pet tips and have a fur flying fun time.

00:24:07.920 --> 00:24:16.140
Announcer: Oh Behave with America's pet edutainer, Arden Moore, every week on demand, only on


"Oh Behave " Theme Song Written & Produced by Mark Winter
© Copyright Such Fun Music (ASCAP)