How to Say ‘Hello’ in Dog & Cat: Pet Etiquette 101

Deborah Wolfe on Pet Life Radio

Deborah Wolfe teaches you how to say ‘hello’ to your dog & your cat. Plus how to recognize doggie best friends and spouses at the dog park.  Zoo news including a very fat penguin baby and two daddy flamingos.  A pitbull cross gets returned safely  home to the Alaska border from the Phoenix café thanks to microchip i.d. Do you agree with Breed Specific Legislation like the sign posted at Deb Wolfe- Pet Expert on facebook?   Please tell us what you think of bans and rules aimed at just pit bull type dogs ; When you have questions, or guest suggestions or a good equipment tip (like a  cat door that works) please send your texts, emails or voice messages to

Listen to Episode #205 Now:


00:00:08.610 --> 00:00:14.010
Deborah Wolfe: Hello, you're listening to Animal Party on Pet Life Radio.

00:00:14.010 --> 00:00:17.890
Deborah Wolfe: And I got all new equipment today in the studio.

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Deborah Wolfe: So you probably hear a better sound than ever.

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Deborah Wolfe: And maybe we'll talk about dog and cat equipment later.

00:00:25.390 --> 00:00:28.370
Deborah Wolfe: Because, you know, you gotta get with the times.

00:00:28.370 --> 00:00:32.330
Deborah Wolfe: I like my old equipment, I'm really used to it.

00:00:32.330 --> 00:00:42.870
Deborah Wolfe: And I was kinda persuaded, kicking and screaming, to finally get new equipment when my old headset broke while on air.

00:00:42.870 --> 00:00:46.550
Deborah Wolfe: Yeah, while doing a live show, I had to hold it together with my hands.

00:00:46.550 --> 00:00:51.110
Deborah Wolfe: So I got new equipment and I'm loving it.

00:00:51.110 --> 00:00:57.910
Deborah Wolfe: And it makes me realize, there's a lot of new stuff out there for cats and dogs we should be talking about on Animal Party Pet Life Radio.

00:00:57.910 --> 00:01:10.830
Deborah Wolfe: So you're listening to me, Deb Wolfe, and we're gonna go through some news and some training and some animal topics that I've picked out for you all because this is Animal Party on Pet Life Radio.

00:01:10.830 --> 00:01:12.150
Deborah Wolfe: So here we go.

00:01:12.150 --> 00:01:20.330
Deborah Wolfe: I was thinking the other day that there's a song, the lyrics, we're here for a good time, not a long time.

00:01:20.330 --> 00:01:22.770
Deborah Wolfe: So have a good time, the sun can't shine every day.

00:01:22.770 --> 00:01:25.490
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, we're here for a good time, not a long time.

00:01:25.490 --> 00:01:28.830
Deborah Wolfe: I was actually singing that song backing up a band on the stage.

00:01:29.530 --> 00:01:34.550
Deborah Wolfe: And it occurred to me that that's the dog motto.

00:01:34.550 --> 00:01:36.610
Deborah Wolfe: That's what's going through their head all the time.

00:01:36.610 --> 00:01:38.930
Deborah Wolfe: We're here for a good time, not a long time.

00:01:38.930 --> 00:01:42.230
Deborah Wolfe: We only have 10 to 15 years on this planet, most of us.

00:01:42.230 --> 00:01:44.610
Deborah Wolfe: And we are going to make the most of it.

00:01:44.610 --> 00:01:56.930
Deborah Wolfe: 10 or 15 Christmases, 10 or 15 summers, 10 or 15 Halloweens, 10 or 15 Springs, 10 or 15 trips to the summer cottage, all that kind of stuff.

00:01:57.210 --> 00:02:07.590
Deborah Wolfe: So that's what your dog's thinking when it greets you, like it's the biggest, hugest deal, and all you did was move the car, take out the garbage.

00:02:07.590 --> 00:02:08.690
Deborah Wolfe: You know what?

00:02:08.690 --> 00:02:11.510
Deborah Wolfe: He doesn't get unlimited greetings for 80 years.

00:02:11.510 --> 00:02:16.950
Deborah Wolfe: He only has 10 years of greetings, so he may as well enjoy that moment.

00:02:16.950 --> 00:02:20.630
Deborah Wolfe: And I think sometimes we forget about that with our cats.

00:02:20.630 --> 00:02:26.210
Deborah Wolfe: You know, most cats are not as exuberant in their expressions of emotion.

00:02:26.810 --> 00:02:30.630
Deborah Wolfe: So, they're a little bit more cool, like cool cats.

00:02:30.630 --> 00:02:39.370
Deborah Wolfe: They may show you they're happy by winding around your feet, or maybe you've got a drool-y cat that really lays it on thick when you come in the door.

00:02:39.370 --> 00:02:46.510
Deborah Wolfe: But they're probably not as cuckoo bananas about greetings as your happy young dog would be.

00:02:46.510 --> 00:02:54.090
Deborah Wolfe: And, but we got to remember, you know, just because you can walk by the cat and ignore him more easily, don't do it.

00:02:54.090 --> 00:02:55.330
Deborah Wolfe: Give that cat the greeting.

00:02:56.110 --> 00:02:58.290
Deborah Wolfe: Show your cat you want to say hi.

00:02:58.290 --> 00:03:02.310
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, now, if you're listening and you're thinking, oh, didn't she tell us how to do that?

00:03:02.310 --> 00:03:04.630
Deborah Wolfe: How are we supposed to say hi to our cats again?

00:03:04.630 --> 00:03:06.530
Deborah Wolfe: All right, here it is.

00:03:06.530 --> 00:03:14.430
Deborah Wolfe: When you walk into a room and you see a cat who likes you, a cat you know, or a cat who's very affectionate, or even a cat you don't know.

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Deborah Wolfe: But if you do it with cats you know who like you, they will communicate back, so it's more rewarding.

00:03:19.070 --> 00:03:22.650
Deborah Wolfe: If you do it with a cat you don't know, he may say hello back, he may not.

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Deborah Wolfe: He may just come check you out because he's fascinated.

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Deborah Wolfe: By a human who actually bothers to learn a few words of cat and communicate.

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Deborah Wolfe: So here we go.

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Deborah Wolfe: This is what you do.

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Deborah Wolfe: You walk into the room, you look at your cat, you close your eyes for an exaggerated time.

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Deborah Wolfe: So not a quick blink.

00:03:39.670 --> 00:03:44.470
Deborah Wolfe: I'd say three seconds because you're probably going to do it less, but close your eyes.

00:03:44.490 --> 00:03:47.750
Deborah Wolfe: One, two, three.

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Deborah Wolfe: Now open them and look at your cat.

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Deborah Wolfe: So you looked at your cat and you closed your eyes for three seconds, and then you open them.

00:03:55.290 --> 00:04:02.250
Deborah Wolfe: And what your cat will do if your cat wants to say hello back, is the exact same thing right back at you.

00:04:02.250 --> 00:04:09.310
Deborah Wolfe: Your cat will close its eyes, one, two, probably two seconds, and then open them and look at you.

00:04:09.310 --> 00:04:14.150
Deborah Wolfe: That's like a high five, a human nod, a wave.

00:04:14.150 --> 00:04:16.770
Deborah Wolfe: That's how cats say hello to cats.

00:04:16.770 --> 00:04:18.090
Deborah Wolfe: They trust.

00:04:18.090 --> 00:04:20.330
Deborah Wolfe: Now why would that be their signal?

00:04:21.150 --> 00:04:28.550
Deborah Wolfe: Well, because they're showing you, I trust you enough to close my eyes in your presence.

00:04:28.550 --> 00:04:35.930
Deborah Wolfe: If you were a big threat, a new dog, cat they didn't know, loud screaming person, they would not do that.

00:04:35.930 --> 00:04:38.350
Deborah Wolfe: It doesn't matter how much you close your eyes, they're not closing theirs.

00:04:38.350 --> 00:04:39.810
Deborah Wolfe: They're watching you.

00:04:39.810 --> 00:04:42.170
Deborah Wolfe: Because they're only 10 to 12 pounds.

00:04:42.170 --> 00:04:44.650
Deborah Wolfe: They gotta run if stuff goes wrong.

00:04:44.650 --> 00:04:51.950
Deborah Wolfe: They gotta be able to escape quickly if a big dog comes in to hunt them or something else, a coyote or who knows what.

00:04:51.950 --> 00:04:57.910
Deborah Wolfe: They're kind of at the bottom of the food chain for a lot of animals, so they gotta be ready to go, ready to go, on the alert.

00:04:57.910 --> 00:05:01.830
Deborah Wolfe: But if they will close their eyes in front of you, then they trust you.

00:05:01.830 --> 00:05:08.210
Deborah Wolfe: There's something a little bit equivalent to this that we see in the dog park.

00:05:08.210 --> 00:05:09.470
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, I better get back to that.

00:05:09.470 --> 00:05:11.870
Deborah Wolfe: I'm going to make a note of that so I don't forget.

00:05:11.870 --> 00:05:14.450
Deborah Wolfe: Because first I'm going to tell you how to say hello to a dog.

00:05:14.450 --> 00:05:15.730
Deborah Wolfe: So that's how you say hello to a cat.

00:05:16.370 --> 00:05:17.610
Deborah Wolfe: Very simple.

00:05:17.610 --> 00:05:21.250
Deborah Wolfe: Look at the cat, stare him right in the eyes, then close your eyes.

00:05:21.290 --> 00:05:25.470
Deborah Wolfe: One, two, three, and open him.

00:05:25.470 --> 00:05:28.230
Deborah Wolfe: Now he's going to do the same thing back at you.

00:05:28.230 --> 00:05:31.070
Deborah Wolfe: And most of the time that cat will then approach you.

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Deborah Wolfe: You don't have to approach it.

00:05:32.550 --> 00:05:37.330
Deborah Wolfe: Cats generally, most of the time, most cats don't want you to approach them.

00:05:37.330 --> 00:05:40.870
Deborah Wolfe: They want to approach you for the same reasons I just outlined.

00:05:40.870 --> 00:05:43.110
Deborah Wolfe: I mean, they're 10 pounds.

00:05:43.110 --> 00:05:44.330
Deborah Wolfe: And most of us are over 100.

00:05:44.730 --> 00:05:57.330
Deborah Wolfe: Imagine if you were trying to interact with an individual from a species that was 10 times our size on average, or 20 times, say, it's a 200-pound person.

00:05:57.330 --> 00:05:58.210
Deborah Wolfe: It's pretty scary.

00:05:58.210 --> 00:06:01.190
Deborah Wolfe: They could step on you and break you, so you've got to be careful.

00:06:01.190 --> 00:06:04.590
Deborah Wolfe: And that's how toy dogs run through the world, too.

00:06:04.590 --> 00:06:12.610
Deborah Wolfe: Even though cats and dogs are predators of some things, they are also especially small dogs, prey.

00:06:13.230 --> 00:06:18.750
Deborah Wolfe: So they run through the world a little bit on the alert, as you would too, if that was your situation.

00:06:18.750 --> 00:06:21.290
Deborah Wolfe: So, okay, so how do you say hi to a dog?

00:06:21.290 --> 00:06:29.450
Deborah Wolfe: Well, stay tuned, because we're going to go to break and come back, and I'm going to tell you how to say hi to a dog, and how to tell if two dogs trust each other at the dog park.

00:06:29.450 --> 00:06:33.290
Deborah Wolfe: On Animal Party on Pet Life Radio, with me, Deb Wolfe.

00:06:33.290 --> 00:06:34.590
Deborah Wolfe: Stay tuned.

00:06:38.270 --> 00:06:42.410
Deborah Wolfe: This is Deborah Wolfe, host of Animal Party on Pet Life Radio.

00:06:42.870 --> 00:06:45.890
Deborah Wolfe: You know the expression, cats have nine lives?

00:06:45.890 --> 00:06:48.210
Deborah Wolfe: Well, what if you can give them one more?

00:06:48.210 --> 00:06:53.510
Deborah Wolfe: The Give Them Ten Movement is on a mission, to help give cats an extra life.

00:06:53.510 --> 00:06:54.330
Deborah Wolfe: How?

00:06:54.330 --> 00:06:56.130
Deborah Wolfe: With spay and neuter.

00:06:56.130 --> 00:07:04.730
Deborah Wolfe: Spaying or neutering your cat helps them live a longer, healthier life, and it helps control free-roaming cat populations, too.

00:07:04.730 --> 00:07:11.390
Deborah Wolfe: Learn more about the benefits of spay and neuter, and meet Scooter, the neutered cat, at

00:07:18.430 --> 00:07:20.750
Announcer: Let's talk pets on

00:07:31.860 --> 00:07:39.880
Deborah Wolfe: Hello, we're back on Animal Party, Pet Life Radio, and I promised I'd tell you how to say hi to your dog.

00:07:39.880 --> 00:07:41.240
Deborah Wolfe: So this is what you do.

00:07:41.240 --> 00:07:58.560
Deborah Wolfe: If you've seen men who sort of know each other, they're not best friends, they don't want a hug, they don't want to do a one-armed hug, they don't want to do a high five, they don't want to do a fist bump, they don't want to do a handshake, but they know each other well enough to say hi if they were in a small setting.

00:07:58.560 --> 00:08:05.240
Deborah Wolfe: Now, there's one guy already at the restaurant, another guy arrives and they catch an eye of each other, they meet eyes, they lock eyes across the room.

00:08:05.240 --> 00:08:09.620
Deborah Wolfe: Lot of people in the way, they're not going to go run over and say hi, hi.

00:08:09.620 --> 00:08:10.520
Deborah Wolfe: No, no, no.

00:08:10.520 --> 00:08:21.820
Deborah Wolfe: But what they are going to do, usually, is one man will take his head a little bit angled downward and move it upward like a flick.

00:08:21.820 --> 00:08:28.760
Deborah Wolfe: And the other guy will usually do the same or he'll move his head downward like a nod.

00:08:29.440 --> 00:08:31.500
Deborah Wolfe: And that's kind of like, hey, man, how's it going?

00:08:31.500 --> 00:08:33.180
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, bud, I see you.

00:08:33.180 --> 00:08:34.660
Deborah Wolfe: I see you.

00:08:34.660 --> 00:08:35.200
Deborah Wolfe: That's it.

00:08:35.200 --> 00:08:36.420
Deborah Wolfe: That's all it is.

00:08:36.420 --> 00:08:38.220
Deborah Wolfe: That's what your dogs do.

00:08:38.220 --> 00:08:44.040
Deborah Wolfe: So when you come in, if you're meeting a dog you don't know and you want to say hi to him, you can do the same thing.

00:08:44.040 --> 00:08:48.680
Deborah Wolfe: You can look at him, not too directly, not intensely, not like you want to fight with them.

00:08:48.680 --> 00:08:49.680
Deborah Wolfe: Same as the cats, right?

00:08:49.680 --> 00:08:51.660
Deborah Wolfe: You're not going to keep eye contact.

00:08:51.660 --> 00:08:53.060
Deborah Wolfe: No, but you can look at it.

00:08:53.060 --> 00:08:55.500
Deborah Wolfe: And then gently, you can even close your eyes.

00:08:55.500 --> 00:08:58.380
Deborah Wolfe: If you're worried that you're staring, close your eyes.

00:08:59.240 --> 00:09:03.200
Deborah Wolfe: Then just nod your head up, just up.

00:09:03.200 --> 00:09:06.140
Deborah Wolfe: And what you'll find is that dog will do the same thing.

00:09:06.140 --> 00:09:08.360
Deborah Wolfe: He will nod his head in greeting to you.

00:09:08.360 --> 00:09:10.660
Deborah Wolfe: And then you just said hi to your dog.

00:09:10.660 --> 00:09:15.080
Deborah Wolfe: So now you can say hi to your cat and you can say hi to your dog.

00:09:15.080 --> 00:09:21.200
Deborah Wolfe: All right, I'm going to get to some news because a dog was returned from a long way away and so was a cat.

00:09:21.200 --> 00:09:30.540
Deborah Wolfe: And I love those stories, even though only 10% of lost cats get returned and only 60% of lost dogs get returned.

00:09:30.540 --> 00:09:41.820
Deborah Wolfe: Still, one of them is a microchip story, and I want to make sure whatever you do, if you have cats and dogs who wonder, if you're worried about this, if you're moving, if you just happen to be at the vet, ask for it.

00:09:41.820 --> 00:09:45.000
Deborah Wolfe: They can microchip your cat or dog in two seconds.

00:09:45.000 --> 00:09:49.400
Deborah Wolfe: It's like a little injection they do at the back of the neck and it's done.

00:09:49.400 --> 00:10:06.380
Deborah Wolfe: And then you have the peace of mind to know that if your dog or cat ever ends up loose or lost or stolen or in somebody's hands where it ends up in a good place, like a vet or an SPCA or a shelter, your dog or cat will be reunited with you.

00:10:06.380 --> 00:10:08.520
Deborah Wolfe: So microchipping is good.

00:10:09.300 --> 00:10:10.380
Deborah Wolfe: So, okay.

00:10:10.380 --> 00:10:11.660
Deborah Wolfe: Dogs in the park.

00:10:11.660 --> 00:10:17.040
Deborah Wolfe: When you see two dogs in the park go back to back, that's a sign of trust.

00:10:17.040 --> 00:10:27.180
Deborah Wolfe: You'll see it in movies, you'll see it in war, you'll see it in police, you'll see it all kinds of situations where two people on the same team are surrounded.

00:10:27.180 --> 00:10:29.420
Deborah Wolfe: They will automatically go back to back.

00:10:29.420 --> 00:10:41.460
Deborah Wolfe: Now, one person, let's say they're armed people, one person has his gun surrounding half the circumference of the circle, and the other person has their gun covering, and they have back to back.

00:10:41.460 --> 00:10:44.020
Deborah Wolfe: So, they're each covering each other's back.

00:10:44.020 --> 00:10:45.360
Deborah Wolfe: That's what dogs do.

00:10:45.360 --> 00:10:47.520
Deborah Wolfe: That's exactly what dogs do, back to back.

00:10:47.520 --> 00:10:50.560
Deborah Wolfe: I get your back, you got my back, literally.

00:10:50.560 --> 00:10:56.180
Deborah Wolfe: So, if you see that in the park, that's a sign that those two dogs are together.

00:10:56.180 --> 00:10:59.820
Deborah Wolfe: There's other signs two dogs are together, and one of them is a little strange.

00:10:59.820 --> 00:11:04.160
Deborah Wolfe: So, the one sign that I find a little strange, and I just saw it the other day.

00:11:04.160 --> 00:11:12.360
Deborah Wolfe: I was at McDonald Beach, off Richmond near the airport, and I saw two little dogs, and one of the dogs jumped out of the car.

00:11:12.360 --> 00:11:15.340
Deborah Wolfe: They were getting ready to go for a walk, and he got all excited.

00:11:15.340 --> 00:11:16.060
Deborah Wolfe: He's running around.

00:11:16.060 --> 00:11:29.900
Deborah Wolfe: He's a little, I don't know, 15-pound, 20-pound little fluffy thing, upright ears, white and black, brushed immaculately, and he's just giving it, you know, ba-ba-bow, ba-ba-ba-bow, running or freaking out.

00:11:29.900 --> 00:11:33.480
Deborah Wolfe: So they tell him, they pat the car, and he jumps back in, and he's quiet again.

00:11:33.480 --> 00:11:38.020
Deborah Wolfe: And then they let him out again, and he's doing this little scrummy behavior, and I see why he's scrumming.

00:11:38.020 --> 00:11:45.460
Deborah Wolfe: There's another dog, pretty much exactly like him, in the car, possibly a female or just a smaller version of him.

00:11:45.460 --> 00:11:54.220
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, so now he's scrumming, and the other dog jumps out of the car like it's supposed to, and the two are on leash, and they start to head toward the off-leash area.

00:11:54.220 --> 00:11:55.980
Deborah Wolfe: They're walking through the dog park.

00:11:55.980 --> 00:12:12.860
Deborah Wolfe: And the first one starts to just harass the other one, on its face, on its ears, kind of not mounting sexually, but jumping on it and pouncing on it and wrestling with it, and just giving it the gears, just giving it such a hard time.

00:12:12.900 --> 00:12:18.940
Deborah Wolfe: Now, the other dog, the so-called, I guess, victim for all to watch, is so happy with this.

00:12:18.940 --> 00:12:21.160
Deborah Wolfe: It's like grinning and it's used to this.

00:12:21.160 --> 00:12:22.880
Deborah Wolfe: This is their ritual.

00:12:22.880 --> 00:12:24.440
Deborah Wolfe: So what's that all about?

00:12:24.440 --> 00:12:26.120
Deborah Wolfe: You've probably seen this with other dogs.

00:12:26.120 --> 00:12:27.880
Deborah Wolfe: I've seen it so many times.

00:12:27.880 --> 00:12:29.580
Deborah Wolfe: It's posturing.

00:12:29.580 --> 00:12:35.980
Deborah Wolfe: It's showing the rest of the dog park, we're a team, and look how tough I am.

00:12:35.980 --> 00:12:40.280
Deborah Wolfe: So it's complicated, but that's what's going on there.

00:12:40.280 --> 00:12:44.940
Deborah Wolfe: And they're both happy to do it, because they want everybody to know how tough they are and that they're a team.

00:12:44.940 --> 00:12:48.900
Deborah Wolfe: The first dog is not hurting the second dog, although it does sound like it.

00:12:48.900 --> 00:12:54.320
Deborah Wolfe: And it's just one of those odd behaviors that you get in dogdom.

00:12:54.320 --> 00:12:56.500
Deborah Wolfe: All right, everybody, let's go to some news.

00:12:56.500 --> 00:13:05.940
Deborah Wolfe: I want to talk about, well, since we just talked about two dogs jumping on each other, and oftentimes these are boy dogs, not necessarily a boy and a girl.

00:13:05.940 --> 00:13:18.180
Deborah Wolfe: Well, when it's a male and a female from the same house, sometimes even when they're neutered and spayed, what they'll demonstrate at the park is the male will jump on top of her as if they're trying to make puppies, and they're not, and there's nothing happening.

00:13:18.180 --> 00:13:20.060
Deborah Wolfe: But it's just, it's a display.

00:13:20.060 --> 00:13:25.540
Deborah Wolfe: Look, she's my wife, and she's sitting underneath him going, he's my husband, just in case you're wondering.

00:13:25.540 --> 00:13:29.200
Deborah Wolfe: Nobody else is coming up here, and that's a signal for the dog park.

00:13:29.200 --> 00:13:32.060
Deborah Wolfe: So there's another interesting signal.

00:13:32.060 --> 00:13:35.160
Deborah Wolfe: So there's this penguin.

00:13:35.160 --> 00:13:38.020
Deborah Wolfe: Yeah, there's two, no, they're flamingos.

00:13:38.580 --> 00:13:39.940
Deborah Wolfe: They're flamingos.

00:13:39.940 --> 00:13:46.760
Deborah Wolfe: Two flamingos are male flamingos at the San Diego Zoo, and they don't have names.

00:13:46.760 --> 00:13:51.580
Deborah Wolfe: I'm sorry to say they are number 26 and number 27.

00:13:51.580 --> 00:13:55.820
Deborah Wolfe: Two male flamingos are daddies.

00:13:55.820 --> 00:14:11.380
Deborah Wolfe: They were acting so much like a couple and so much like they wanted to raise young that the zookeepers gave them a dummy egg to see what they would do with it, and they tended it so well that then they gave them a fertilized egg, and they tended that so well that now they have a baby.

00:14:11.380 --> 00:14:15.900
Deborah Wolfe: And they're going to have to do a blood test when the baby's a bit older to figure out if it's a boy or a girl.

00:14:15.900 --> 00:14:21.660
Deborah Wolfe: But these two male flamingos are raising a baby at the zoo.

00:14:21.660 --> 00:14:24.080
Deborah Wolfe: So I found that really interesting.

00:14:24.080 --> 00:14:25.560
Deborah Wolfe: Very, very interesting.

00:14:25.560 --> 00:14:38.300
Deborah Wolfe: Now somewhere else in Melbourne, Australia, far, far away, there is a record-breaking penguin called Pesto, who is 49 pounds.

00:14:38.300 --> 00:14:40.740
Deborah Wolfe: And they've never seen anything like it.

00:14:40.740 --> 00:14:42.020
Deborah Wolfe: He's enormous.

00:14:42.020 --> 00:14:51.560
Deborah Wolfe: But apparently this baby is so big because his parents are very good, and they are feeding him 25 fish a day.

00:14:51.560 --> 00:14:54.540
Deborah Wolfe: So they say he'll slim down when his feathers come in.

00:14:54.540 --> 00:14:56.620
Deborah Wolfe: Well, we should hope so, right?

00:14:57.760 --> 00:15:01.680
Deborah Wolfe: I don't, he's so freakishly big, it's funny.

00:15:02.460 --> 00:15:06.240
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, so that was a little bit of zero news.

00:15:06.240 --> 00:15:13.480
Deborah Wolfe: There was a rodeo in Massachusetts, this is sort of interesting, where eight bulls escaped.

00:15:13.480 --> 00:15:18.600
Deborah Wolfe: But I would not want to be on the road or nearby with eight bulls.

00:15:18.600 --> 00:15:25.840
Deborah Wolfe: Although bulls get a bad rap because, you know, in bullfighting, they're actually triggered into reacting the way they do.

00:15:25.840 --> 00:15:35.960
Deborah Wolfe: In general, a bull's not going to react much, unless you challenge its territory or you come near its females or you scare it.

00:15:35.960 --> 00:15:41.660
Deborah Wolfe: So they've got a pretty bad rap, and then they pick the worst of the worst of the worst for those sports.

00:15:41.660 --> 00:15:46.500
Deborah Wolfe: So they kind of give you the idea that all bulls are difficult.

00:15:46.500 --> 00:15:52.000
Deborah Wolfe: Now, I wouldn't suggest you go walk through a field with one in it, because that would be a challenge to its territory.

00:15:52.000 --> 00:15:57.640
Deborah Wolfe: But if you do, go slowly and be ready to get out of there.

00:15:58.200 --> 00:16:06.200
Deborah Wolfe: All right, so a thousand miles, a thousand miles, a cat returned from Yellowstone to California.

00:16:06.200 --> 00:16:08.180
Deborah Wolfe: The cat was lost and it returned.

00:16:08.180 --> 00:16:13.520
Deborah Wolfe: And I'm going to come back after the break and tell you about an interesting story.

00:16:13.520 --> 00:16:18.820
Deborah Wolfe: A police dog jumping into a police car that was moving.

00:16:18.820 --> 00:16:19.220
Deborah Wolfe: Why?

00:16:19.220 --> 00:16:21.720
Deborah Wolfe: Because someone had stolen the car.

00:16:21.720 --> 00:16:22.820
Deborah Wolfe: Well, how did that go?

00:16:22.820 --> 00:16:26.440
Deborah Wolfe: Stay tuned on Animal Party, Pet Life Radio, and find out.

00:16:31.280 --> 00:16:34.500
Announcer: You know the expression, cats have nine lives.

00:16:34.500 --> 00:16:37.080
Announcer: Well, what if you can give them one more?

00:16:37.080 --> 00:16:42.640
Announcer: The Give Them Ten Movement is on a mission to help give cats an extra life.

00:16:42.640 --> 00:16:43.380
Announcer: How?

00:16:43.380 --> 00:16:44.980
Announcer: With spay and neuter.

00:16:44.980 --> 00:16:49.760
Announcer: Spaying or neutering your cat helps them live a longer, healthier life.

00:16:49.760 --> 00:16:53.460
Announcer: And it helps control free-roaming cat populations too.

00:16:54.080 --> 00:17:01.300
Announcer: Learn more about the benefits of spay and neuter and meet Scooter, the neutered cat, at

00:17:02.380 --> 00:17:03.720
Announcer: That's

00:17:10.960 --> 00:17:27.660
Deborah Wolfe: Hello, you're listening to Animal Party on PetLife Radio.

00:17:28.759 --> 00:17:33.839
Deborah Wolfe: And I do say that it's really difficult to get a dog or a cat back when they're lost.

00:17:33.839 --> 00:17:35.319
Deborah Wolfe: Yeah, it is.

00:17:35.319 --> 00:17:37.419
Deborah Wolfe: But there's a good new story.

00:17:37.419 --> 00:17:42.599
Deborah Wolfe: A dog that had never been out of the Yukon, the Yukon is the north in Canada.

00:17:42.599 --> 00:17:47.859
Deborah Wolfe: So it was lost along the Alaska-Canadian border, a Pit Bull Cross.

00:17:47.859 --> 00:17:49.659
Deborah Wolfe: It was actually stolen.

00:17:49.659 --> 00:17:50.799
Deborah Wolfe: Yeah, stolen.

00:17:50.799 --> 00:17:52.399
Deborah Wolfe: I mean, who would steal a Pit Bull Cross?

00:17:52.579 --> 00:17:54.899
Deborah Wolfe: Why are people stealing?

00:17:54.899 --> 00:17:55.579
Deborah Wolfe: It makes you worry.

00:17:55.579 --> 00:17:57.939
Deborah Wolfe: It makes you worry it was stolen for fighting or something like that.

00:17:57.939 --> 00:17:59.339
Deborah Wolfe: But it actually wasn't.

00:17:59.339 --> 00:18:03.099
Deborah Wolfe: It was stolen and missing for a long time.

00:18:03.099 --> 00:18:15.439
Deborah Wolfe: And Toby, this dog, went missing up in Alaska, had never been out of the north, ended up, of all places, in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.

00:18:15.439 --> 00:18:17.219
Deborah Wolfe: Yeah, got dumped.

00:18:17.219 --> 00:18:19.219
Deborah Wolfe: Whoever stole it just decided to dump it.

00:18:19.899 --> 00:18:25.779
Deborah Wolfe: So the dog wandered into a cafe, the Phoenix Cafe, and they figured out it had a microchip.

00:18:25.779 --> 00:18:27.979
Deborah Wolfe: And Toby's now back up in the north.

00:18:27.979 --> 00:18:29.379
Deborah Wolfe: Yay, Toby.

00:18:29.379 --> 00:18:34.919
Deborah Wolfe: So that's an interesting little snowbird trip for Pitbull Cross to take.

00:18:34.919 --> 00:18:40.739
Deborah Wolfe: But it just goes to show you how good the microchips can be in helping you get your dogs and your cats back.

00:18:40.739 --> 00:18:42.799
Deborah Wolfe: So here's this story.

00:18:42.799 --> 00:18:43.699
Deborah Wolfe: I love this story.

00:18:43.699 --> 00:18:45.359
Deborah Wolfe: I got to watch it on our local news.

00:18:46.079 --> 00:18:50.119
Deborah Wolfe: A guy decides, well, first of all, a woman was ill in a park.

00:18:50.119 --> 00:18:59.419
Deborah Wolfe: So the police came over with their car, drove into the park, busy weekend, children everywhere, big playground, nice day, right?

00:18:59.419 --> 00:19:01.899
Deborah Wolfe: And it's just this past weekend.

00:19:01.899 --> 00:19:08.579
Deborah Wolfe: And the police drive in and they leave their car, and they go run to the woman who's in trouble, health-wise.

00:19:08.579 --> 00:19:18.859
Deborah Wolfe: And some guy, the accused, gets in their police car and starts to drive it around the crowded park, where there's kids and families, picnics and whatever.

00:19:18.859 --> 00:19:21.159
Deborah Wolfe: And he starts doing donuts.

00:19:21.159 --> 00:19:25.139
Deborah Wolfe: And so, so what do the police do?

00:19:25.139 --> 00:19:31.099
Deborah Wolfe: Well, at one point, they open the car door, and the police dog jumps in.

00:19:31.099 --> 00:19:32.359
Deborah Wolfe: Dun, da, da, da.

00:19:32.359 --> 00:19:33.939
Deborah Wolfe: I love these stories.

00:19:33.939 --> 00:19:37.539
Deborah Wolfe: So now, the guy who's driving thinks, I don't know.

00:19:37.539 --> 00:19:38.619
Deborah Wolfe: No, thank you.

00:19:38.619 --> 00:19:40.419
Deborah Wolfe: And he runs, he runs for it.

00:19:40.419 --> 00:19:47.899
Deborah Wolfe: He jumps out of the car and he runs, and the police dog stops him, tackles him, and nobody...

00:19:47.899 --> 00:19:58.599
Deborah Wolfe: Well, one person got hurt trying to get out of the way of the car before the dog got in it, but no one else was hurt, no children were hurt, and it wasn't serious, and everybody's okay.

00:19:58.599 --> 00:20:03.859
Deborah Wolfe: So thanks to the police dog at Templeton Park in Vancouver last weekend.

00:20:03.859 --> 00:20:08.539
Deborah Wolfe: The guy who ran into the car apparently had 50 priors.

00:20:08.539 --> 00:20:10.599
Deborah Wolfe: So it's definitely something to consider.

00:20:11.819 --> 00:20:15.419
Deborah Wolfe: People could have got hurt, the police could have got hurt, the dog could have got hurt.

00:20:15.419 --> 00:20:17.699
Deborah Wolfe: A lot could have gone wrong with all that.

00:20:17.699 --> 00:20:21.339
Deborah Wolfe: So it's a good ending, and these dogs are so amazing.

00:20:21.339 --> 00:20:24.759
Deborah Wolfe: They're so well-trained to know who to go for and who not to go for.

00:20:24.759 --> 00:20:30.199
Deborah Wolfe: I mean, there was no question for that dog that he might make a mistake and go for the wrong person.

00:20:30.199 --> 00:20:31.879
Deborah Wolfe: No question at all.

00:20:31.879 --> 00:20:34.919
Deborah Wolfe: They are just on their game.

00:20:34.919 --> 00:20:42.559
Deborah Wolfe: Okay, so I should talk a little bit more about those cats, because you might be worried about them, Cheech and Chong.

00:20:42.559 --> 00:20:49.079
Deborah Wolfe: So Chong has now completely recovered from his injury, and we figured out what the injury was.

00:20:49.079 --> 00:20:51.119
Deborah Wolfe: And this kind of has to do with equipment.

00:20:51.119 --> 00:20:55.599
Deborah Wolfe: It's time for me to get an equipment update on my cat doors.

00:20:55.599 --> 00:21:02.779
Deborah Wolfe: So if you know of a cat door that you find is really, really good, please let me know.

00:21:02.779 --> 00:21:06.339
Deborah Wolfe: Because the ones I have are not as good as I thought they were.

00:21:06.339 --> 00:21:09.939
Deborah Wolfe: And I've been ordering these same ones for years, and when they break, I get a new one.

00:21:09.939 --> 00:21:14.339
Deborah Wolfe: And they're the kind that you can put between anywhere there's exterior.

00:21:14.339 --> 00:21:17.819
Deborah Wolfe: So they have two panels, one that goes on the outside and one that goes on the inside.

00:21:17.819 --> 00:21:22.119
Deborah Wolfe: And they have doors that lock so you can lock your cats in or out.

00:21:22.119 --> 00:21:25.479
Deborah Wolfe: I would never lock them out, but you can lock them in at night.

00:21:25.479 --> 00:21:26.639
Deborah Wolfe: And then you could open it.

00:21:26.639 --> 00:21:28.019
Deborah Wolfe: And they have all kinds of options.

00:21:28.019 --> 00:21:29.059
Deborah Wolfe: They're good.

00:21:29.059 --> 00:21:30.799
Deborah Wolfe: So I thought they were good.

00:21:30.799 --> 00:21:39.919
Deborah Wolfe: But it turns out that injury that Chong got where all of a sudden he started limping and his whole back right thigh was hurt.

00:21:39.919 --> 00:21:45.979
Deborah Wolfe: And this is a one-year-old cat, medium hair tabby, male, neutered.

00:21:45.979 --> 00:21:48.219
Deborah Wolfe: Anyway, he's really active and athletic.

00:21:48.219 --> 00:21:51.639
Deborah Wolfe: And all of a sudden he was dragging this one leg and I thought, oh no.

00:21:51.639 --> 00:21:56.359
Deborah Wolfe: So I felt it and couldn't feel any breaks, couldn't feel any problems.

00:21:56.359 --> 00:21:58.919
Deborah Wolfe: But I thought just to be sure I'd take him to the vet.

00:21:58.919 --> 00:22:03.439
Deborah Wolfe: The vet felt it and he agreed it was probably just muscle strain, stress.

00:22:03.959 --> 00:22:08.339
Deborah Wolfe: He said to isolate the cat for a couple of weeks with no exercise.

00:22:08.339 --> 00:22:10.259
Deborah Wolfe: So I started to do that.

00:22:10.259 --> 00:22:19.859
Deborah Wolfe: And about a week into it, all of a sudden his brother, short haired male tabby, same litter, starts limping on a different foot.

00:22:19.859 --> 00:22:21.499
Deborah Wolfe: Now what's going on?

00:22:21.499 --> 00:22:23.099
Deborah Wolfe: So I put him in the same room.

00:22:23.099 --> 00:22:25.079
Deborah Wolfe: Now they're both on quarantine.

00:22:25.079 --> 00:22:29.119
Deborah Wolfe: That's a bit difficult because you probably know cats love the vertical.

00:22:29.119 --> 00:22:32.779
Deborah Wolfe: How do you stop them from jumping up on the desk or the chair or the filing cabinet?

00:22:33.499 --> 00:22:35.399
Deborah Wolfe: Well, it's difficult.

00:22:35.439 --> 00:22:36.999
Deborah Wolfe: Let's just put it that way.

00:22:36.999 --> 00:22:42.639
Deborah Wolfe: But I can't proof the room with a litter box and food and water and quarantine them so they wouldn't get any exercise.

00:22:42.639 --> 00:22:44.099
Deborah Wolfe: Now I got two injured cats.

00:22:44.099 --> 00:22:45.579
Deborah Wolfe: What is going on?

00:22:45.579 --> 00:22:46.119
Deborah Wolfe: All right.

00:22:46.119 --> 00:22:48.539
Deborah Wolfe: So again, feel them all over.

00:22:48.539 --> 00:22:50.419
Deborah Wolfe: Make sure there's nothing wrong.

00:22:50.419 --> 00:22:51.439
Deborah Wolfe: There's no wounds.

00:22:51.439 --> 00:22:57.659
Deborah Wolfe: There's a little scrape underneath all that fur on the long haired one, chong, little scrape.

00:22:57.659 --> 00:23:01.279
Deborah Wolfe: But it didn't get infected and it wasn't hot and it's not a bite wound.

00:23:01.279 --> 00:23:01.759
Deborah Wolfe: What could it be?

00:23:02.019 --> 00:23:03.199
Deborah Wolfe: What could it be?

00:23:03.199 --> 00:23:09.599
Deborah Wolfe: So now chong's all better, and I see him going out the cat door, and I see his leg get stuck.

00:23:09.599 --> 00:23:15.259
Deborah Wolfe: And the cat door flaps back and slams on his leg because he's long.

00:23:15.259 --> 00:23:17.459
Deborah Wolfe: He's a long, big cat.

00:23:17.459 --> 00:23:20.639
Deborah Wolfe: And a cat door maybe doesn't account for that.

00:23:20.639 --> 00:23:26.299
Deborah Wolfe: So now, I've had to change things, and I'm going to have to buy new cat doors.

00:23:26.299 --> 00:23:30.239
Deborah Wolfe: But it just goes to show you, there's always room to update your equipment.

00:23:30.879 --> 00:23:35.179
Deborah Wolfe: And it takes some observation sometimes to figure out what's wrong.

00:23:35.199 --> 00:23:37.359
Deborah Wolfe: I thought, I was blaming my dogs.

00:23:37.359 --> 00:23:47.019
Deborah Wolfe: I thought, well, you know, my dogs like cats, but maybe one of them just got too excited, was playing with the cat, and even though they're retrievers, maybe it grabbed the cat too hard.

00:23:47.019 --> 00:23:49.819
Deborah Wolfe: I mean, I was just trying to come up with what this could be.

00:23:49.819 --> 00:23:52.639
Deborah Wolfe: But now, now I saw it, it's a cat door.

00:23:52.639 --> 00:23:53.479
Deborah Wolfe: That's what it is.

00:23:53.479 --> 00:23:59.659
Deborah Wolfe: So I got to get new cat doors, two of them, because I never want my cats to be outside and unable to come home.

00:24:00.259 --> 00:24:07.339
Deborah Wolfe: I always want them to be able to come in, no matter what the weather, no matter what the situation, always want them to be able to come in.

00:24:07.339 --> 00:24:12.579
Deborah Wolfe: And I'd like to be able to set the doors, so once they're in at night, they can't go out again.

00:24:12.579 --> 00:24:15.119
Deborah Wolfe: I need some suggestions, everybody.

00:24:15.119 --> 00:24:16.719
Deborah Wolfe: Deb at

00:24:18.039 --> 00:24:25.079
Deborah Wolfe: Send me your cat door suggestions, because the ones I've got certainly aren't working.

00:24:25.079 --> 00:24:25.679
Deborah Wolfe: All right.

00:24:25.679 --> 00:24:32.399
Deborah Wolfe: Well, we've come to the end of the show, and I've given you quite a lot of news, a lot of news.

00:24:32.399 --> 00:24:41.819
Deborah Wolfe: I do want to highlight something I put on Facebook on my Deb Wolfe, D-E-B-W-O-L-F-E, Pet Expert, on Facebook.

00:24:41.819 --> 00:24:49.659
Deborah Wolfe: I posted a photograph of a sign that I saw outside the Richmond Chinese Night Market.

00:24:49.659 --> 00:24:58.639
Deborah Wolfe: Richmond is a city right near Vancouver, and it's where the Vancouver Airport is, the International Airport, so it's very much part of Vancouver, even though it's separate.

00:24:58.939 --> 00:25:00.819
Deborah Wolfe: It's like a suburb, very, very close.

00:25:00.819 --> 00:25:02.459
Deborah Wolfe: One bridge takes you there.

00:25:02.459 --> 00:25:05.799
Deborah Wolfe: And they have different rules from everybody else.

00:25:05.799 --> 00:25:12.239
Deborah Wolfe: They have breed ban legislation that is like breed legislation on steroids.

00:25:12.239 --> 00:25:13.459
Deborah Wolfe: It's so strong.

00:25:13.459 --> 00:25:24.079
Deborah Wolfe: And the photograph I took shows the sign that's posted outside the Richmond Night Market, so everyone knows what dogs are allowed in and what dogs are not and under what rules.

00:25:24.839 --> 00:25:31.559
Deborah Wolfe: And it's like almost like a mug shot, honestly, although the dogs are beautiful and they're photographed well.

00:25:31.559 --> 00:25:34.699
Deborah Wolfe: It's like almost like a wanted poster, if you will.

00:25:34.699 --> 00:25:40.079
Deborah Wolfe: It's got photographs of a bunch of different dogs, heads, faces, close up.

00:25:40.079 --> 00:25:46.479
Deborah Wolfe: And it's basically these dogs are considered dangerous in the city of Richmond.

00:25:46.479 --> 00:25:48.739
Deborah Wolfe: They don't have to have a first defense.

00:25:48.739 --> 00:25:52.499
Deborah Wolfe: They don't have to do anything wrong just by being who they are.

00:25:53.139 --> 00:25:54.239
Deborah Wolfe: Now, you can guess who they are.

00:25:54.239 --> 00:25:55.439
Deborah Wolfe: There's a Rottweiler in there.

00:25:55.439 --> 00:25:56.959
Deborah Wolfe: There's a Pitbull in there.

00:25:56.959 --> 00:25:58.919
Deborah Wolfe: And if you want to look it up, check out Deb Wolfe-

00:25:58.919 --> 00:26:03.639
Deborah Wolfe: Pet Expert on Facebook, and you'll see the sign.

00:26:03.639 --> 00:26:15.619
Deborah Wolfe: But it basically spells out that in the city of Richmond, if you have one of those dogs, you have to obey the rules as if you have a dog who's had a couple strikes, dog that's been deemed dangerous.

00:26:15.619 --> 00:26:17.739
Deborah Wolfe: Just by breed, they're deemed dangerous.

00:26:17.739 --> 00:26:22.799
Deborah Wolfe: So that means things like always leashed and always muzzled and never left unattended.

00:26:22.799 --> 00:26:26.539
Deborah Wolfe: I mean, various strict rules.

00:26:26.539 --> 00:26:31.839
Deborah Wolfe: So I'd love to know what you all think about that at Deb at

00:26:31.839 --> 00:26:34.279
Deborah Wolfe: I just want to let you know where you can find me.

00:26:34.279 --> 00:26:38.259
Deborah Wolfe: Animal Party is on, where you can subscribe.

00:26:38.259 --> 00:26:45.199
Deborah Wolfe: But you can also find this show on iTunes and Spotify and everywhere podcasts play.

00:26:45.199 --> 00:26:47.799
Deborah Wolfe: I'd love it if you subscribe so you don't miss a show.

00:26:48.539 --> 00:26:55.679
Deborah Wolfe: But also, on social media, you can find my training demos with real cats and real dogs, naughty ones.

00:26:55.719 --> 00:26:57.779
Deborah Wolfe: You can check that out at Deb Wolfe-

00:26:57.779 --> 00:26:59.839
Deborah Wolfe: Pet Expert on YouTube.

00:26:59.839 --> 00:27:04.439
Deborah Wolfe: And for pet laughs and great social media posts, you can see Deb Wolfe-

00:27:04.439 --> 00:27:06.739
Deborah Wolfe: Pet Expert on Facebook.

00:27:06.739 --> 00:27:14.999
Deborah Wolfe: Here at Animal Party, I welcome your pet questions, comments and guest suggestions, especially if you have a pet problem.

00:27:14.999 --> 00:27:16.699
Deborah Wolfe: I'm begging you like a beagle.

00:27:16.979 --> 00:27:25.719
Deborah Wolfe: Please send me a voice clip message or text message to Deb at, and I'll answer your question on the air.

00:27:25.719 --> 00:27:35.719
Deborah Wolfe: I can even, if you send me your contact information, we will try to arrange to speak with you off air, record it and solve your problem together.

00:27:35.719 --> 00:27:42.679
Deborah Wolfe: If you're a first time listener, you can scroll through the older shows and find a topic or expert guest that really speaks to you.

00:27:42.679 --> 00:27:51.379
Deborah Wolfe: Maybe it's dog breed bands or the royal family pets or pets in war zones or how to train your cat to use a litter box.

00:27:51.379 --> 00:27:57.599
Deborah Wolfe: Whatever it is, you can find it on one of my old shows and they're all there at

00:27:57.599 --> 00:28:03.359
Deborah Wolfe: So I hope you'll tune in wherever you listen to podcasts to Animal Party on Pet Life Radio.

00:28:03.359 --> 00:28:08.139
Deborah Wolfe: And from me, Deb Wolfe and Animal Party, be good dear animals.

00:28:09.899 --> 00:28:15.899
Announcer: Let's Talk Pets, every week on demand, only on