The Trap King – Sterling Davis

Rita Reimers on Pet Life Radio

Sterling Davis is known around the world as the Trap King! Sterling left his music career to dedicate his life to feline TNR (trap, neuter, release). He purchased an RV that allows him to travel and trap, while also serving as his home. Sterling changed his entire life to help cats, and that is the kind of human Rita and Linda love!

As if he’s not busy enough, will even be going to Greece soon to help S.M.A.R.T. (see our last show) tackle the huge population of homeless cats there. In addition to helping cats, Sterling is hoping to serve as an example for all men, and the black community in particular, to encourage them to join in some kitty love! Sterling admits that trapping wild cats can be a tough job, but he thinks "compassion is cool!" and we agree!

Join Rita and Linda to hear more about this a-meow-zing man and his mission! We think you will fall in love with him too!


ASterling “TrapKing” Davis is a well traveled, ex-military, music and cat enthusiast that has always loved entertaining and interacting with people. Davis is launching Tabby and is the founder of a Trap/Neuter/Return nonprofit in Atlanta. Trap King Humane Cat Solutions has a mission to change the stereotypes of not only men in cat rescue, but also bridge the gap in communication between black communities and animal rescue/local shelters.